This is one of the most blursed videos i’ve seen online lol
Call it The boys
just a couple of my friends that beat the shit out of racists and other people like that.
Ok, but specifically how big? If it’s big enough, I’ll dismantle the state and let Anarchy reign free.
Not enough to topple the US or any other developed country for that matter.
But if you’re aiming for a weak and small third-world state, go ahead
Have fun paying for all the airplane tickets
My army…
What about
what about Canada
Walking into a wall army
We literally walk into walls as you do in a video game, it shows the running animation but youre not moving because youre walking into a wall
Ooh, I know what I would do with an army! I’ll make them hand out free cake, rubber ducks, and rocks with faces on them to random people
idk what I’ll call it, but I will give everyone a nametag and I’ll write everyone’s pronouns in a journal
I would also like to have tea parties with them
that’s all!
it’s time
The moderation of S.L.I.M can begin.
No more horny.
I make them join my AO clan.
the force’s name will be trigno fanclub and we’ll search the entire world to find trigno
The big army, its purpose is to be a big army
Imagine walking down the street and all of a sudden hundreds of hats fly out of clothing stores and into the street, creating a large pile of hats that crushes anyone who happened to be standing nearby
I still don’t know what to name it tho
or maybe they’d gather at one place and then pile up into one big, massive pile of hats and then it starts to move around the world, consuming everyone
For name I have no idea.
I would care about more important things. Lower crime rates, trafficking, terrorism, anything to help the society.
make them all join amazon jobs around the country and then make them unionize and strike all at once
the vaktovia must fall
a bunch of lego people who pull up to port maersk
What if we just get all our armies together and make a super large army.
get them to pay for my things
But how exactly are they comparable to other militaries? Are these men War Veterans, new recruits or hired mercenaries? How experienced and effective are the special forces? Can the entire army not fail at killing 2 guys in a boat?