You guys think the queen's strong?

i mean, her throne room’s pretty small so its unlikely we will be fighting her, at least not there

theres also the fact that the sameria castle seems somewhat more heavily guarded than ravenna

maybe shes the type who got there and stay there through knowledge or smt, she did immediately be able to tell Morden’s curse and our “special quality” after all ( and Iris too ig… wonder if thats gonna be important later on )

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Well she seems quite capable when it comes to sensing, something that most decently strong combatants seem to share

we know from… basic fs mentor that its possible for you to be born with that, so she could just be one of those special case

maybe its just her vibes, she just doesnt give off the energy of someone whos strong ( maybe because she isnt wearing armor/battle clothing like calvus? )

or maybe ( hopefully ) im wrong and we’ll see she whoops some asses later ( or, possibly ours )

It’d be weird if she wasn’t somewhat capable at fighting seeing as both Calvus and Wotan are, not to say I would be opposed to it just a bit confused

She could be a manipulator type of ruler too just holding his kingdom Alive with treats and trading stiff etc

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aye same, its possible that shes the queen simply because of her intelligence knowledge or whatever

its just kinda hard to maintain power when you yourself have none of it, its war seas after all

if this is true tho then itd mean that she got some crazy charisma, since idk how else she would be able to make curse users and powerful people to work under her, unless they are just very loyal to Sameria itself

her design is cool but she looks weak, at least compared to calvus who had his cool armour and triasta. shes supposedly powerful but i feel like thats more to do with her diplomatic/ political power

the princess however, shes strong, strong enough to somehow be considered a general and a princess at the same time

queen rizzy

I seriously doubt that she will be a boss. Even if the story was dumb enough to have every kingdom’s ruler be a high lord, there are only 4 high lords and like 12 kingdoms


did she get mentioned in one of the patches or smt?

have she appeared in game yet?

not necessary saying that shes an order high lord, she could just see us as a threats and want to remove us

She didnt appeared 2 npcs guarding the door at a palace they tell us kelia is a general and princess of sameria



…you can talk to them? i came up to them and no button appear

guess it was broken or lagging like crazy

Probably a bug happened and yes u could mr yes posted it

So the princess is a general

the two guys upstairs by the meeting room can’t be talked to, but those two can

Her eyes are yellow and no other character has a pair similiar so she must have some specific power

yea thats my theory, we know neviro got the darkness curse fragment right? his eyes are red
calvus got the apoc bringer curse fragment? his eyes are teal, more teal than otherwise possible
therefore she must have some curse fragment or otherwise special power

I could see the other side and it was just grass :fr: