You guys think the queen's strong?

those two were generals

Neviro has red eyes because thats a winterveilian trait and calvus has a normal eyes color

Neviro is just albino

call me a crackhead but i think im onto something

I wish she isnt strong just very wise or magicly sensetive so her sensing is crazy.
I dont want every ruler to be an op Person as that would make it seem that the AO world doesnt have more than just strong characters.

Agreed, I think that direction will be taken with Nilah, but obviously some of the rulers are gonna be op like Wotan and the six corsairs

given she can sense energy i’d wager it’s more probable that shes pretty capable but just doesn’t have the fucking neural equivalent to black lung like calvus and knows she’s just a big fish in a small pond in the grand scheme of things and will ultimately still need defenses and whatnot in case shit really goes south

unlike calvus. who didn’t. and got killed for it.

because he’s a tool.

I think a lot of the enemy rulers will go into that yes. But i do hope we get absolutly destroyed once by a ruler or by an order member that isnt strong but is able to use our weaknesses perfectly to bends our mission so that we do something we shouldnt have done.

Hell maybe thats the thing Revon ends up doing to try and get revenge.

Revon is just gonna get a Glock and shoot us in the back of the head


She looks ill, but not weak.

I don’t know what makes me think she’s a curse user.

The curse power of the kingdom is pretty high so it might not be unreasonable.

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can anyone check and compare it with ravenna’s ?

i mean, Calvus wasnt a curse user so i wonder if Sameria is lower or higher than Ravenna’s

I think ravenna is 2 and sameria is 3

Ravenna only has the cloud curse and glass curse, so its likely sameria either has more curses or just stronger ones

i feel like someone with all that armor is either weak or a weapon build

the queen might be a curse user and im assuming kelia is

yeah im calling it, kelia definitely has a curse

shess a spirit user, so far no one have mentioned her using a curse

unless she just keep that a secret or smt ig

wait Kalia is the old woman general right? im bà at remembering name

Kelia is the princess iirc

ah alright thanks, mb then