You now get an add on power. You now have the power of your forum pfp. How much more powerful do you become?

The title.

Yes I did rig this because I chose battler who is one of the most powerful non omnipotent beings to be written.


i fly i guess

funny op baam

I get anything that has the letter B in it I guess.

I now gain the ability to transform into absurdly powerful fictional robots using these weird mcdonalds happy meal toy rejects

in order to calculate my current power level to that we must go to the VS Battles Wiki
cause that’s apparently where you get the power levels of fictional characters
i was seriously not expecting to find the character(s) i was looking for since the spin off series that the character in my pfp comes from is super niche but surprisingly it’s here

According to the wiki, the character in my pfp is a Tier 4-B.
Which makes me scared since anything with the number 4 isn’t a good thing if JJBA is anything to go by.

And it turns out the 4-B means that the character is a Solar System Level entity in power.

so yeah that’s cool

im a actual robot and now i can get hitkilled by anything sharp :fr:


Im a stick that probably can’t be used on its own

how useful

Anyways as I definitely did not say

Im basically undefeatable

my pfp really doesnt do a shit
big rip
maybe i become more mysterious? idk


Idk, I become chunkier I guess hehe.

i can beat goku

I can fire HE shells, torps and glide on water

Also Anime Gril

slowly starts looking for scp 682

Sorry buddy but not even 682 can defeat this guy

pls tell me you’re underestimating him

fuck that stupid alligator looking fuck
most op overrated shit ever
i hate it

No. Battler is just bullshit on top of bullshit.

Pretty sure the only one remotely close to winning against someone like him is scp 3812.

So now I guess I have the ability to warp time-space itself while breaking the 4th wall since my roblox avatar was supposed to be able to hack the universe itself, cool