Your first 2 games on your 'continue playing' section merges into one, what is it?

yo did u screenshot that moment where u dressed up as ao characters in royale high? can i see?

Undertale Test Place Reborn + Arcane Odyssey

You enter dark sea and sudennly you see giant star flying in your direction. Turns out it was ASHRIEL DREEMURR with his crew attacking you. Whats next thing you do?


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Only 999 spins left for gen 3 tyn spirit bloodline

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Arcane Odyssey + Dragon Blade.

Magic game with mount pets a greater crafting system and more sandbox island building.

Also a final dragon boss which gives you a dragon mount.

these feel cursed but uhh yeah lol

the screenshots in question

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You can probably guess…

This is a robbery.
Put the galleons in the bag Shura…


秘術 Project
Hijutsu 1 - Highly Responsive to Curses
Hijutsu 2 - Story of Seven Seas
Hijutsu 3 - Phantasmagoria of Adventure ( yes… this is alluding to adventure story, while technically not part of the arcane universe I’m trying to make it so all 5 titles of the PC-98 era are addressed… also phantasmagoria is the weird spinoff anyway )
Hijutsu 4 - War Seas Story
Hijutsu 5 - Magius Square


i don’t even know man
Screenshot 2023-07-05 10.46.45 AM


arcane odyssey

Arcane Odyssey Public Test Universe

Aba + The vast realm

I wish you made it all the way to window era

you do realize that’s… 13 more games, right?

Hm… Spin off didnt count…

Attack → Asriel → Dissolving Detonation

Warning: crewmate on your ship is downed.

Also, the last games I’ve played is Decaying Winter and Tears of the Kingdom… this should be interesting.

decaying winter and allusions
this would be a crime to make.

Decaying Winter and Allusions collab.