Your thoughts on enchanting

At least rebalance the enchantments. Getting something for free doesn’t mean that people actually like it. The enchants are nowhere in our control.

Take Vestaria for instance. People would use enchantment scrolls and the orb to enchant. There are 80% success rate scrolls, 60% and even 40%. Lower success means higher enchants, and you get a limited amount of enchants for each weapon. The player is free to customize their weapon with enchants, and if it fails, players know that it is their fault for taking a risk. That makes players in control of their enchants, and if they want to take risks or not.
WOM, on the other hand, is entirely RNG based enchants with no player interference. This makes the player mad at the game itself for putting on one too many bursting enchants. This is honestly bad game design.
Having more player control makes it so that they won’t blame it on the game. Something like a re-enchant or a “take a risk” enchant, or maybe a specific enchant for significantly higher amounts of crowns.
Enchanting will almost always give the player an advantage, but humans are perfectionists, and want something that that would complete something.
What usually wins the game is skill, and if a player with good enchants lose, they will blame themselves instead of the game.

but still, not getting the right enchant that somehow benefits your build just feels “meh”,some enchants might even totally go agaisn’t it, imagine a poison user getting knockback on his items, and it’s going to become even worse at late game when items start to become more and more rare

thing is youre saying here that its better for an enchantment to fail rather than an enchantment to be bad and that you want players to “take a risk” when its exactly what the player does when they enchant. They take a risk to get something which they want and sometimes they win, sometimes they dont.

I’m not saying that the enchantment system should be exactly like Vestaria’s. I’m saying that enchants should be more in the player’s control, so that they would blame themselves instead of the game.
The whole point of a game is to entertain the player, and if you can’t do that, then the players will leave. Having the player blame themself instead of the game would make it more of a “Let’s try again, hopefully this time it will work” than a “This game is so broken” message to themselves.
WOM enchanting system puts the player in no control of what enchants they will get.

and why should it? what about the players that want the bad enchantments? the game would have to give faaaar too much control to the player if everybody should be happy. Think about the quirky kids who want to be agile, the wind users who want more knockback? the cool guys who want bigger magics? if everybody should be happy then the game would just spiral into madness of “This is perfect” and “This is broken!”.
Your view is to benefit one type of player only.

bruh re-enchanting would be able to give everyone any enchants they want for an actually reasonable grind instead of getting 8 of each sunken item

thing is vetex has stated several times that there will never be re-enchanting

yeah and? let’s convince him otherwise. the entire community has been yelling at enchanting for so fucking long now, nearly everyone who regularly shows up on the forums has made a seperate topic about enchanting, or made a rant that included enchanting

They are in the same situation.
“I would like a swift enchant.”
Gets a strong enchant instead
Players who like to optimize in combat
“I would like a hard enchant.”
Gets keen enchant
My proposal is for the player to have control of the enchants by having narrowing the amount of possible enchants to 2 or 3 for significantly higher cost.

thing is how would that work? do you choose the three enchantments yourself or does the game do that for you?
Its like two sides of a coin, either:
The game gives too much control
The game forces too much.

It would probably ruin the economy aswell as people trade for enchantments that they want.

thinking a bit more about this topic, this issue could be resolved if a new way of enchanting was added at a higher level, maybe vetex could add some rare enchantment scrolls that have a one time use that you could apply to your stuff, giving them a certain enchantment of your liking


Yea that could work, If they were extremely rare (1/200 or something) then they could be great for the economy aswell

You choose the 3 possible enchants. For about twice to thrice the costs. The game then randomly chooses out the the three.

Then we step into the game giving too much control.

yeah, around that rarity would be fair, i think we are taking this topic too far tbh, the game is on a very early stage, we don’t know much about what could be changed/added later on

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Yeah just like people said on my whats your favorite culture topic “we will return later”