Your thoughts on enchanting

Maybe “hard to match” gear.
Have rare gear boost 3 statistics, but have the same statistical value, like sunken having large armor, and small magic size and small magic power. That would balance things out while making it feel special to have the armor.

it would be better to do this than grind for the same item a billion times for 100 hours, and then get a bad enchantment

imo, the stats need a rework in general. i understand some things not being to useful, like any of the speed based ones because that would mean some insane speed at lvl 5000

however the other stats, like power and defense, shouldn’t be straight up better. it shouldnt be a let down to get destruction or forceful. its the only thing i dont like about the game and the only reason im waiting for the next update to grind gear again

on my main file i got to max pretty quickly but then spent over a week just grinding for “good” gear. having a grind is fine but in WoM its not at all fun. on my second file im waiting until the update to even start lvling, so that i dont have to spend the next month grinding and can also have the story on the side

thing is before in AA you could have an item with 100 defence only, while in wom you could have, lets say a bad enchantment so youve got 100 defence + 10 knockback, thats still 10 knockback.

That is a “back in my day” argument. Things aren’t better with a bad enchantment. If we can make all enchantments equally desirable, like magic, people won’t complain as much. Do you see any reasonable complaints about how magic is unbalanced and once you get a magic you’re stuck with that trash magic for the rest of your save file? No.
If Vetex can make enchantments changeable, or at least balanced, people won’t get upset about a knockback enchant, or a magic speed one.

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Did this man just say all magics are even right now?

No, but it’s at least balanced.

Yes Earth magic is gonna be just as good as fire

It’s not really balanced

Some things can be changed about it.

They’re better at different things. On the other hand it’s hard to conceive a situation where at our current max level 40 magic size would be significantly more useful than 40 power.

What I’m saying is that if someone wants an earth magic, they usually won’t regret it that much. But practically no one wants a knockback enchant.

shocking thing is, knockback isnt very useful. and like i said before, the lack of a feature before isnt an excuse for a bad one

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youre missing my point, youre getting something for FREE, even if its bad its still something! and these arguments are useless because vetex has stated that there will NEVER be a “re-enchant”

bad enchants are not free lol, you have to pay like 200 crowns for an enchant, and for that same price you could have gotten something useful

aight maybe free was the wrong word but still youre getting something for almost free

you are not wrong, but i think everyone would agree that a strong wizard robe is better than a destructive wizard robe

thats whats wrong, people are looking at what they could have gotten, not what they got. Its like buying a lottery ticket and then saying “I want a refund! i didnt win on this one!”

but then the people who “won the lottery” would be at advantage, making the people who lost it keep trying over and over and over again until they win as well, making the system extremely frustrating

that advante, ofc being big when used on several pieces of armor, is extremely small when used on a single piece of armor, especially later on in the game