1B lions vs one of every Pokémon

Also game logic dosent apply to deathbattles. How many times do I need to tell u

I will see your next reply and I am going to bed Alr

So if game logic doesnt apply we allowing lions to hit ghosts even if they would be a “normal type”? Since a ghost without game mechanics couldn’t hit them back then

(This is my favorite internet argument that always pops up)

U know what a game mechanic/ game logic is? Also it would still be a ghost type. Idk what your logic is

Anyways me bed now. I already won this debate there’s nothing else to say

1,000,000,000 is a lot

oh fuck this
I am now a lion believer


Im glad to have saved you


1 Billion Lions isn’t even that much
but if god can die to fucking liquid rocks then I’m on this side for life


Pretty sure he was weakened but still god being surprised and weakened by normies is questionable

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ahem, yeah i’m with you

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it’s just ROCK
fucker should’ve been able to erase it
or break it
or shoot judgement at it
but no
had to have the mc save his ass with those colorful plates
a weakened god is still y’know
so he could’ve done so much more

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not to mention how brittle and pathetic concrete is you can break it easily with a tool like a knife and you have god strugging against it
the only reason it’s strong in due to other things like metal skeletons inside to keep it strong
that’s either some strong asf concrete or Arceus is just a bitch and I’m leaning to the latter for this

Loomians are kinda weak but don’t some digimon have like reality warping abilities or something like that? I’ve heard that digimon are pretty busted. Pokemon I mean like, just take any region’s legendaries and they should be good lol.

actually it’s a bit too early since there’s no godlike loomians yet lol

maybe we keep em out of the competition until we get a larger amount

True. Even some of the roaming loomians don’t even equate to the amount of power some Pokemon can possess. They just feel like natural animals, which is definitely more realistic and easier to understand. Also considering the fact that like 90% of loomians from the Sepharite City update are man-made. But the “gods” mentioned with the new update seem pretty strong.

akkuwari and the other one I forgot lol

tbh boonary could solo smh

eternamax eternatus. insane power, flies midair.
dont really have much else to say