500 hours without magic

My first topic about this
El second topic about this

This is for you @Shellseawing :sunglasses:


In those 300 hours between my last post about this and now a lot of time has passed! Literally 11 months, crazy. Some good has happened, some bad, but mostly a whole lot of nothing. I don’t really consider this some ground breaking achievement. It’s been literally not doing a thing. Not doing something is fairly easy. The only challenge I had was to resist people offering me items to do it (someone offering me a powerful sunken chest to use a spell) and getting sick of just magic being superior to weapons in every way. At this point the struggle is all I know and using magic just feels off. I have used magic on other files for various reasons but they just all feel off, I have little game sense of magic compared to my more slightly average game sense of weapons.

Honestly this is not a hard challenge. I even made another weapons only file since I kinda got bored of spamming sunken and wanted to see how many kids I could troll against by only using like M1’s and terrible throwing weapons. I’d even go as far to say that this is a fun playstyle for one to try out. It is different from magic and if I were to make a comparison it’d be like switching from Shadow to Iron and trying to adapt to that new playstyle a slower magic has.

I am pretty much also just informally quitting WoM as of right now. I will hop on to do some things and make last minute prep decisions for AO but overall I am pretty much not going to be playing WoM. I have had a sharp decline since starting this challenge, I mean hell it took me a year to get 12 days worth of play time. WoM has just become a chore to play and I’m pretty much sick of it at this point. I tried to get to 500 hours yesterday but I was just done with the game after like 3-4 hours. I’m pretty much only going to hop on to item farm and or fish, maybe boss farm too, but I don’t see myself pvping anymore (or at least as actively).

As far as what I’ve learned past these 300 hours from 200 to 500 it’s literally nothing. Nothing about my build other than one change has been made. Prior to this I was using a 914 build now I use a 860 build. Both inferior to the best build I believe, 1022, but I just like the ability to do damage and I find playing a 1022 build makes this already slow playstyle even slower. For the sake of sanity I cannot do it but objectively I think 1022 is the best option.

idk what else to say so I end it here :hungry:

tldr; look at the title + pictures


:+1: :+1:
ive seen u around

Wow, 500 Hours is a lot

I checked my main file this morning, I don’t even have 70 and it made me realize that I’m quite the WoM casual despite being such and AO enthusiast.

Do you still enjoy playing WoM, or are you mostly doing it to reach goals/prepare for AO?

I respect the dedication to your goals :muscle:

damn bro i only have like 5 hours with magic… must be hard killing the bosses like that lol

I enjoy some aspects of WoM but it’s mostly AO prep. I hoard a shit ton of items specifically because I do not know what I will need in AO. I will still probably do prep from time to time but any casual stuff like PvPing I won’t really bother with unless specifically asked. I really want to know more about AO though to narrow my prep some more, rn it’s pretty spread out and narrowing it down to like 1-2 things would be fucking awesome.

only minotaur, exiled is pretty cake.

average new gen

i was like 23rd gen but didn’t play much

Good job. Maybe I’ll see you around. Maybe I’ll play more often on my main or weapons file. I’ll see you in AO.

i wonder how synvade, one of the weaponsman in wom pvp vs rannute, some god at pvp and pro-hacker.

idk never fought him but probably would lose. I have beaten exploiters before though :partying_face:

Really big goal you achieved great job! now lets see your skills in AO. (also dont play wom again)

I’ve never met ThatOneGuy in game sadly :frcryin:

I’ve only ran into like 2 people from the forums while on WoM, I think it was MrNormalBox and the guy with a tank pfp

hes synvade, some man who hasnt used magic and uses only weapons, finest at aim

damn nice


considering the fact I can beat her pretty easily (no offense) she probably doesn’t stand a chance against rannute

glad you realised that this build is superior, 968 might arguably be better