A Handful of Small Changes Towards Hecate Essences to Make Them Reasonable

A Handful of Small Changes Towards Hecate Essences to Make Them Reasonable
effort 4.730769230769231 26 quality 4.678571428571429 28 reasonability 4.833333333333333 30

wow I sure do hope this doesn’t get taken out of context

one thing I think everyone forgets:
To even ATTEMPT to change magic, you need to go and grind for a brig with good enough ship parts to survive in the dark sea reliably.

That ALONE is substantially more effort than should be required for a basic feature every other class can do with a couple button presses or minimal travel time.

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or rather hecate essence should be generated from UI frames rather than particle emitters, that way they can spawn anywhere and be seen anywhere. I’d rather that than limiting where they can be found.

also beacons are very unviable just in general, not only because roblox beams have the same rendering issues that particle emitters have, but also because it just ruins the exploration aspect of finding it yourself.

skill issue

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you:
I don’t give a shit about the “exploration factor” of a mechanic that shouldn’t require going to the far reaches (or the dark sea at all) in the first place.
I can accept that it requires going to the far reaches as a sort of entry requirement to magic changing, but the fact it goes literally any further than that is absurd.

I mean I’d like to see you handle a 5k hp atlantean that spams 1.2k damage beams or ult cannons that would oneshot the tankiest of builds.

If you have to run away and cheese the fight to have literally any chance of winning, they’re too strong.

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forumers on their way to cook up the most amazing suggestions possible only to get completely ignored:

Fix modifiers first though (castrum was not a fix if people with fucking 4080s are getting 12 fps)


Alternative solution, you can use the ones in the 2nd range twice (or at least once) before they’re “too weak” to work for future attempts. Let’s lower levels fix their mistakes sooner, but keeps this more late game as intended in the long run.

I don’t see why a compromise needs to be made here.
Does anybody seriously think that magic resetting belongs exclusively in the far reaches?

Do you think Vetex thinks otherwise?

That’s what this suggestion is for, to change his mind.
To show him that people do not like this.

vetex: “yo guys i finally added magic reset! its on far reaches islands”
players: “wait a minute, arent far reaches islands sameria sized?”
vetex, getting in car: “yep, also the chance is 1/12” drives off into the distance

@Mr.MoneyMcMoneylover exploring dark sea islands espically at the far reaches is so boring and a actual pain in the ass because its just climbing over and over just dashing all over the place it isn’t interesting and exploring one island takes like 20-30 minutes if you explore it fully plus its so easy to get lost espically on huge islands yeah I completely Agree Theo

This is needed, I really have no clue why in the bloody hell was it changed from 1/6 to 1/12 when it was still being developed.

Like 1/6 actually seems pretty damn fair considering that it’d still be hard to find because of how 99% of far reaches islands are mount othrys

At the end of the day, not all features are going to be catered towards lower level players. Some stuff it’s better to make it as difficult to obtain as it is intended to be later, that way we don’t get used to it being easier, and complain about it when it inevitably changes way later.

This is one such feature that should be catered to lower level players.
I repeat: Strength, weapons, and vitality.
They can all change their builds with a few button presses and/or minimal travel time.


Vetex is the same person that increased the costs of spells and techniques for “lore reasons”

bruh its not even catered towards max players getting this even at max is still hell and will require way to many hours unless u get insanely lucky

Even if I could walk through and instakill the atlanteans I would NOT be willing to put up with that degree of bullshit.

Walking around an island that makes orthys look like sandfall and praying you don’t go over the one tiny spot the tiny little dust cloud spawned will always be boring and frustrating.