A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

That is also a sick idea actually, would make gold chests even MORE worth-while to collect.

yeah but it would still be capped at your level (no level 250 items at level 140 guys :pensive:)

That is already how it works, so just adding this would add to it, and its a nice QOL feature.

Did I miss another argument

Bruh why 1 star effort

Even if you think the suggestion is dogshit he clearly put effort into it

I never understand why people give false ratings for stuff like effort, especially cuz you gave a 3 star for everything else


@DubiousLittleTyp0, so when are you editing the topic’s header to include the solutions that we’ve all worked out together regarding its obvious issues?
The amount of times that “uhhhh, it’ll modify boss drops too!” has been used across the replies is actually unbearable, do something about it.

Actually yeah that would fix the issues

And @SoifonFan74473727720 would lose their reason to complain

That may be true

However I’m still keeping my rating

It’s not about the rating, it’s about making sure you don’t have the grievance.

Although that’s awfully pretentious of you still

it’s ok they’re a redditor just ignore em

Oh got it :+1:

Update, muted em :100:

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It’s not a superiority complex when you are superior

Yeah that’s appropriate here

I’m not telling you which though (cuz it’s both :100:)

RB1 alt incoming

I think if this idea was to go through, a downside would be the loss of the sense of there being “second place” prizes. For example, say I’m digging up blasted. I might not get a power or arcanium, but maybe I’ll get sorcerer gear, or some pauldrons. Perhaps I’ll get something that just looks cool, like blasted steel. After this is implemented, the only thing worth my attention would be “Blasted Essence”.

Then there’s the trade factor to consider. I’m not talking about value, but rather what people will look for. Would you look through someone’s equipment items to see if they have the modified item you want, or would you look for “* Essence” and call it a day? I liked searching through inventories, seeing if I could find what I am looking for, and trying to make a deal.

In addition, with the new rewards from treasure charts in the next update, there will be more people doing treasure charts, which means more supply, which means the modified items will be more available without the need for modifier essences.

I don’t think this idea would ruin the game, or even be a net decrease in quality seeing how some feel about it, but I think there would be some trade-offs, and I wouldn’t want to make that trade.

Then again, if we can throw tradeable quest items into the deal, then I’d be happy. I could get myself a full set of modified banana backpacks.


To be honest if they did something like making modifiers like this, but also introduced a new set of tradeoff modifiers like Atlantean which can ONLY be found at their respective locations, that would probably be good for the game. The “forgotten” stat from the false hydra suggestion could be one, drawback another, and we could remove Atlantean essence so pre-Atlantean items are allowed (and this would probably BOOST the economy by making Atlantean boss gear extremely valuable.)

Also respect for actually rating the suggestion appropriately despite your personal opinion