A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

Only when you’re not in combat, when you’re in combat, everyone gets the same regen tick unless you have vitality or regen stat.

minmaxxing shouldn’t be an RNG mess though, which is what modifiers are currently as there’s first of all the layer of getting the actual right chart, an then it’s a game of whether or not you get the item you want or need, AND THEN you need to get lucky for it to be the modifier you want.

that doesn’t sound like I’m in the warseas anymore, that sounds like I’m in a casino.

And this RNGness can also lead to moments where people who barely try can just luck out and end up getting crazy good modified gear, which is irritating for those who had to deal with the shitty luck the game can give sometimes

cant you just talk about my chest idea atp

I agree with that, like the items we get sometimes isn’t the stuff we’re looking for, maybe make it so you get items like arcanium stuff based on YOUR class, more often than other class items. That makes much more sense than right now, and in the future when we are much higher level, the grind for the ever increasing item pool is going to make stuff like getting even a blasted arcanium arcsphere more rarer than getting sunken :skull:

it’s a good idea definitely

though how would people get lower level cosmetic things?

(buffing shop NPCs in towns yo :open_mouth:)

I just disagree with making modifiers appliable to anything, but I agree with the loot-pool being a mess, as-well as how grindy it is to actually get the modifier you want in the first place.

yeah like make it so that you get items belonging to your class at an increased rate weighted
e.g. if you play pure, you get 2/4 your items and 1/4 to all other items (e.g. if i play mage i get 2/4 arcanium, 1/4 vitality, and 1/4 strength)

Like what fartman1314 said (what a username gahd daem), like based on the chest tiers, you get different brackets, wooden gives full/lowerbracket lootpool which is like cosmetic stuff, then silver gives like middle bracket, like around level 70s or smth, and gold gives stuff that you can get to your level, like level 140.

Either that, or just make it fully class based, so for conjurer, they get 50% weapon based stuff, 50% mage, warlocks, 50% mage, 50% berserker items, and etc. That would honestly be really nice.

lower tier treasure spots like the first for an uncommon
actually atp make it so chest loot is based on the sea and chest type, like in bronze sea normal chests are level 0-50, silver chests are 50-100, gold chests are 100-150
nimbus normal chests are 100-150, silver 150-200, gold 200-250, etc etc

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That is also a sick idea actually, would make gold chests even MORE worth-while to collect.

yeah but it would still be capped at your level (no level 250 items at level 140 guys :pensive:)

That is already how it works, so just adding this would add to it, and its a nice QOL feature.

Did I miss another argument

Bruh why 1 star effort

Even if you think the suggestion is dogshit he clearly put effort into it

I never understand why people give false ratings for stuff like effort, especially cuz you gave a 3 star for everything else


@DubiousLittleTyp0, so when are you editing the topic’s header to include the solutions that we’ve all worked out together regarding its obvious issues?
The amount of times that “uhhhh, it’ll modify boss drops too!” has been used across the replies is actually unbearable, do something about it.

Actually yeah that would fix the issues

And @SoifonFan74473727720 would lose their reason to complain

That may be true

However I’m still keeping my rating

It’s not about the rating, it’s about making sure you don’t have the grievance.

Although that’s awfully pretentious of you still