A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

I mean it’s alright I guess but why dark bronze helm instead of sunken warrior

Ok that’s a little better, but I don’t like it so I’m gonna have to give it a 0/10

Oh, this is an edited version of my build, and I don’t have that.

Ok this is a hypothetical build though

Uh oh soifonfans replying

I just didn’t account for that.

You said that the current system is fine for direct buffs which is what I think the weak armors need instead of trying to make each item unique, since they’re weaker they’ll need those slight leverages

I’m saying that it doesn’t need to be like this because the debuff is just hurting the already weak armors that can use it. I mean if anything, I think it’s the stronger armors that need to have the debuffs (Which they do in the form of atlantean essences)

I feel like modifiers being necessary in a build really isn’t an issue, just as how enchants are a requirement, people probably just don’t like it because you have to do charts to get them, which is what the suggestion says it would accomplish

The current system is just fine aside from the chart gambling

Yknow from 15 minutes of typing a reply I was expecting more

My brother in vetex this is the exact thing this suggestion is attempting to fix you arcane illiterate

It’s called proofreading, jit

also you missed this part

Yeah, you said “this isn’t an issue” and “this is the issue” in the same breath.

Can you PLEASE just accept you don’t like a suggestion and move on instead of being an asshole in the comments for everyone else to see, you rated it poorly, that’s all you need to do if you don’t like it, not yap about how everyone but you is wrong after every reply.

just make the weaker armors stronger then so when modifiers are applied they can scale with rare armors

You can’t get exotic enchants from charts…? did something change?

Personally attacking someone wasn’t a very good way to win an argument in my opinion. It only escalates the level of tension and makes it more difficult to come to a resolution.

What you should do is try to logically disprove the opponents’ arguments, instead of trying to make the opponents give up without fighting.
Win a fight, not end a fight.

This is extremely difficult over the internet, where people believe there are no consequences, so they refuse to even BUDGE in an argument, I believe in a perfect world, you would be correct. But most people equate internet arguments to ones with ChatGPT, no consequences and the others opinion is invalid. Especially with this walking embodiment of the word edgy over here, I don’t think they actually care about improving the suggestion, they just seem to want to complain.

could you be referring to this?

My point is that the modifiers themselves aren’t an issue, and that the obtainment method is (doing charts then doing roulette for the armor you want). Then I said that the suggestion solves this. You should honestly be agreeing with me.

I’m just responding to what people throw at me, I’m sorry you don’t like it. I think I’m doing a good job providing arguments

if you’re going to be snarky then at least be right, like me

Yeah this sentence alone has made me give up all hope in convincing you of anything, I’ve got better things to do than argue with a loser online

wait guys can you get exotic scrolls from charts I kinda wanna know

No I think they swapped the “it” from charts to modifiers mid sentence for some reason

Only shovel scolls.