A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

cowabummer dude…

yeah that could work, but I don’t think Vetex wants to scale all that shit so keeping modifiers the way they are is better


I’m trying to say that modifiers aren’t an issue themselves and that the way of getting them is, I bring up enchantments as an example of something mandatory people don’t hate because it’s not as bad as getting modifiers, which is what you solved

Might be because of my poor wording in which case I apologize

damn that’s crazy

there’s only like so many “mid” armors that can be good in some cases, just buff those.

ignore rubbish like the leather equipment and buff titanium/wizard robe gear

Yes, it is indeed impossible to win a fight against somebody who cannot be reasoned with.
Well, the world is pretty large, so even if most people are unreasonable, some are reasonable enough that I believe make it worth the effort regardless.

Now here’s the good thing when fighting somebody who cannot be reasoned with through logic.
You can call them out for being “unreasonable”, and force them to start being reasonable. And if they continue to be unreasonable, to exit a fight without admitting a loss, as the opponent would never engage in a battle of thoughts.

However, that would mean you have to prove that the opponents can never be reasoned with. You’ll need actual solid proof made with reasons and logic, and not made by personally attacking someone of course.

soifon just doesn’t wanna give up that sweet sweet blasted power amulet


but the modifiers work well enough as a buff for them, why would Vetex waste the dev time balancing low level armor (he hates balancing)? They essentially function as the bargain bin version of expensive armor.

It doesn’t need to be any more complex as that

then make modifiers provide other benefits that we haven’t discussed perhaps, incentives to run other things instead of the same 5 sets of good armor that currently exist in AO

it’d be a great way to lower the entry to PvP, and you must admit that modifiers in their current state aren’t exactly perfect.

(full sentence)

Modifiers being the bargain bin version of more expensive items is a good thing, and perhaps you could buff modifiers more but then that’s just more stat bloat.

While they aren’t perfect they do serve the purpose of buffing the weaker armors to at least usable. Not being able to be as good as the boss drops is just how it is.

it’s really hard to find an exact solution

ngl I kinda just wanna remove modifiers entirely the game was so good without them :sob:

Not gonna read whatever is above me, seems like reminders discussion level yapping

I disagree with completely removing the chance of getting naturally modified items, and I disagree with letting rare items/items that can’t me modified modifiable. But I agree that essences for every modifier would be good for the game. I also agree that grinding for modifiers is not fun (probably for a few reasons) and of course I’ll agree for anything that reduces grind to a reasonable level.

They could be added as a sort of pity for treasure charts. I saw a qol in balancecord about letting you remove modifiers to get an essence of it; a true modifier pity. If not a pity, then it would be fun if there was a smal chance of getting an essence for natural modifiers when charting normally. It’s both gamblecore and benefits the player (as long as existing rates aren’t nerfed to compensate…).

I think that they’re fine the way they are now (except grinding them) as a way to people to use cheaper placeholder builds if they can’t afford Sunkens

modifiers aren’t really exclusively used as bargain bin solutions though, blasted items and other crystalline accessories and such are usually almost critically important to most meta builds, which makes grinding them ever so tedious as those good items are usually in an RNG item pool.

I haven’t PvPed in a while but I was able to get by without them, maybe they’re just used for minmaxxing? Or did something change.

As someone who doesn’t use modifiers. PvP is mostly skill based rn to be honest, despite what the covers say. Modifiers DO give you a direct advantage though

interesting idea, but they shouldn’t be able to be applied to boss/rare items (or at least actually have effect statwise and only for vanity). It’d just turn modifiers in enchantments.

Atlantean doesn’t really suffer from this because of how it works, stats changing to be what’s armor doesn’t have prevents you from just getting unholy amounts of power on smth (powerful atlantean that gives power, with power gems on a glass arcanium arcsphere :fearful:) with the downside of insanity making it harder to fight. Meanwhile if this got added we’d have modified sunkens and boss drops with it effecting stats, basically removing all niche modified items from being viable.

I do want modified sunkens and boss drops as vanity though, just have smth on the description that says “this item is too powerful for regular essentias to have an effect on its stats”

Yeah that’s what I meant by minmaxxing but as you said you can get by without them, which makes them a slight crutch and not something that should be removed

btw I thought you said I was a loser and that you weren’t going to argue with me?

That’s not arguing

This is though :shushing_face:

Man I need to write a book with my energy.