A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

Anyway, going back to your arguments. I think we’ll first try to understand what we’re trying to achieve here, you can say it’s the end goal I guess?

The original suggestion’s goal is to solve the tediousness of modifiers because it is a requirement that players have to grind for, and some people don’t like the grind. Thus to reduce the PvP entry barrier.

The problem is that some people would oppose the idea of reducing the grind, as it could also be part of the game. Reducing the grind would also make it much more similar to enchantments, as currently, that’s the only thing that makes it different from enchantments.

The goal of my idea is to kill the requirement of modifiers directly instead of simply reducing the grind. This is done by making modifiers a unique mechanic that both benefits and penalizes, so that not engaging in the system can be an option.

This also avoids making modifiers too similar to enchantments and avoids reducing the grind as some people enjoy it.
However, it meant items may not be balanced like it is in the current system as you said.

Your goal based on what I understand is that you want weak items to be more balanced, to be more on par with stronger items that are harder to get.

So you don’t mind modifiers being a requirement, and the modifier system staying the same way. It may also partly align with the original suggestion’s goal, as it keeps the system the same.

The issue in my opinion is that this goal will not align with both my goal and the original suggestion’s goal of reducing the PvP entry barrier.

So after like 3 paragraphs explaining the end goals of each player. What I am going to convey is that there would never be a middle ground that all three players will come to.
There will always be an issue with either my idea or the original suggestion that wouldn’t be solved without forcing one’s idea on another.

I hope I don’t miss anything, if I do then feel free to call me out for it.
But I’ll be clocking out now because it’s way too late for me and I need to go to sleep lol. So don’t expect any further responses from me after this point.

I did like 80 frostmill charts and with this method and got like 2 or 3 decent modified items. I can confirm through personal experience that the average legendary sailor’s life savings actually amounts to little more than a toothpick which froze in frostmill.

If this suggestion gets rejected I’m making another one with some very specific changes to the treasure chart loot pools to get them to favor actual treasure rather than maid skirts which turned green because they were in the dirt for too long

silver chests should give items that are at a maximum 50 levels below you
gold chests should give items that are always upgradable to your level

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Yeah there are a multitude of ways to rework modifiers, just please not the current system

Not gonna lie this is like, the main thing I wanted suggestor for.

Idrk what to do if i get it now

what i hate about this game really is how most of the items you can equip are just plain number changes (besides atlantean items), imagine if every modifier had its built in drawbacks and upsides, like drowned armor giving you more underwater breathing but making you soaked all the time or something amongst those lines

I realy like this idea, lorewise the essence can be materials altered by the enviroment. For example: blasted crystals - applies blasted modifier (Broken pieces of rock turned by the powerful blast). Or even frozen steel - frozen modifier (Steel strengthened by ice).

This suggestion can be easily implemented lorewise and I think it would give a new valuable item for trading.

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how would this be explained lore-wise?
a magic orb that has spent decades buried because it didnt ‘activate’ upon hitting the ground? and thus it imbues an object it touches and transferring the ‘imbue’ before dissipating into the environment?? (idk that would be how i’d imagine it)

and i want modifiers to only add texture so it would make items look cool :grinning:

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Pleaseeee yes this is something we need desperately I hate grinding for hours

I mean this in the most respectful and understanding way possible

This is the most obvious take on this matter. Its so obvious, in fact, that it’s annoying that this isnt already a thing. Like, do you realize that the dev had the conscious decision to not add essentias for the other modifiers?

Like, these modifiers came after both atlantean modifier AND atlantean essence, yet he decided and stated he wouldnt add an essence for them…

I really like your suggestion, really do, it should’ve been a thing for long now. But honestly i doubt it will be added, be it in the next update or in the near future…

And then they made a different suggestion about this :sob:

Yeah, i did so in a way i think is more likely to be added…

Hey if we necrobump this suggestion for all eternity eventually vetex will see it

More effective than voting, fr fr

I will post the entire bee movie one word at a time

Wait can you get drowned sunken pieces?

No, I’m saying we pretend all sunkens are already drowned as an excuse to not allow you to put modifiers on it

Yeah you’re basically right.