A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

honestly at this point the only way that we could make modifiers still be RNG bullshit but not as obnoxious is if vanity items or things that aren’t ever viable for armor can’t get normally modified.

like, I don’t want to dig up a blasted toothpick or frozen leather cap.

Letting people actually have fun making builds, instead of most of the time being spent looking for modified items

That’s your argument, I’m not talking to you currently, let him speak for himself

with this question, why do modifiers even exist anyways.

Oh hey look we have the same argument

This ain’t like the PvP you “balance”, you are going to get. 2v1d weather you like it or not

My suggestion solves that while not making modifiers more similar to enchants

I think team fights are the most fun form of pvp actually

what even was your suggestion (I’m not scrolling up to look for it too much stuff :skull:)

In theory yes, but in practice i believe it will only marginally lower the time. A 10% decrease from 70% is still 60%

“Buff rates it will solve everything!”

Idk theyre pretty boring but i wouldnt want them to be even more boring which is why i proposed the alternative of just buffing the drop rates

I like the modifiers
I like to touch them


…how on earth is buffing the rates of modified items being found going to solve anything.

that just makes the common fodder stuff more likely to appear

He’s obviously not serious.

No that’s his actual argument

Lets say you have a 24% chance of getting a fodder modified item, 75% chance of getting no modified item, and a 1% chance of getting a good modified item. If the modifier chance went up by double you’d get twice as many good modified items (48% chance of fodder item, 2% chance of good item, 50% chance of unmodified item)

2% is still horrible rates :sob:

you’re trolling right

please tell me you are actually trolling

yea but the concept im describing is still the same either way