A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46


Address it now then, fix this issue. If you are a balance team member surely you have a more reasonable and fair idea then “increase the rates” right?

I mean, that’s a 0.2% more likely chance you’ll get a good apple compared to just 1 basket… but that’s… really low regardless

I already explained how increasing the rates would fix the problem of modified items being too difficult to get. I was responding to your message about the chest loot pool getting bloated cause of all the cosmetic items being added, which isnt really a balance team thing its more something testers/vetex would discuss

I know but isn’t the balance teams job coming up with good ideas to fix issues the game has with PvP? I find it hard to imagine someone with the ability to get on there doesn’t have any good or creative ideas to fix other aspects of the game


No, the % chance of getting a good apple remains the same whether or not I have 200 or 100 apples with a 5% chance of an apple being good, but if I have more total apples naturally ill get a higher number of good apples in total

yea i already said above we dont just hyperfocus on balancing pvp, thats why i wanted to emphasize that people shouldnt think of the balance team as some pvphead group that ignores the rest of the playerbase

So your excuse for not coming up with a good idea is “the balance team is for PvP”

And then when I say that you shouldn’t only have PvP ideas you agree with me?

I never said that

Nuh uh

i said that specifically changing the chest loot pool because of item bloat isnt a balance team thing

I think you misunderstood which message i replied to

Wait what are we arguing about again

Look at what this message replies to and then look at what that message replies to

Nah I don’t care enough
I’m just gonna leave by saying modifiers being too similar to enchantments is better than whatever bullshit we have right now


erm actually if you do the math dividing 10/190 yields a decimal number that when multiplied into a percentage gives you roughly 5.2%, meaning that the chances for getting a good apple technically increased by 0.2% :point_up::nerd:

:shushing_face: :smirk: :point_left:

you don’t divide 10 by 190 when calculating the % of good apples you got from 200 apples, you divide it by 200 :sob:

I guess you could say he had a…

Dubious little typo sitcom music plays