A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

This was talked about long ago when modifiers did get added, and I do agree with the fact that it is a more grindy process, but I think instead of making stuff like boss armor or sunken armor more insane by doing this, this also makes every other gear that you can get the modifiers on currently pointless.

Because EP wise, it is just a direct buff to stuff like sunken, or boss armors. And atlantean essence’s value only comes from the fact that it can be applied to boss armor or sunken armor.

The problem you mentioned is the “method” of getting the items, but instead of changing that, you suggested changing the entire item instead. Which I understand, but it is not the best.

Vetex has added to the empires update regarding charts. He made it so you can get higher tier charts more commonly after defeating a rival. Which I see as a win for charting. But I still see a few flaws with it, like how there can only be 1 rival in a server for everyone in the server. That should be increased, and I think a great buff would also be for charts that have multiple parts, they should show all the islands that they go to, but not reveal their location.

Like when you get a legendary chart, you have to do each and every chapter before you get the next part, but when you do it, and you don’t get the island you wanted, you feel disappointed. That can be changed by maybe showing half or all the “islands”, but not their locations. The locations will be revealed when they are found chapter by chapter, I feel like that’s a bit better than the current system. It is very grindy, but the idea of making modifiers like essentias has more problems than solving the current problem at hand.

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1 star effort.



dont put him on kos he plays fire magic
nvm its not fire mage kill him

nuh uh

get me blud’s username it’s actually on sight if I see them ingame

bro didnt figure out who i am lol
also in the next update we might get blasted in nimbus maybe

Yaaa I think the suggestion is cool! But I do partially agree with mr. Arcey that this change could potentially yknow… Make other issues arise!

Still though, it would be nice!

i doubt it but maybe

Who is this random

I do agree with it being very grindy. I do not even farm charts, I always just trade for it. But that isn’t a luxury for everyone to have. But then again, these modifier stuff are only for those to min-max their gear. In reality, you really don’t need the “best of the best” gear in the game to do most of the stuff in the game.

If you factor in PvP, then MAYBE it affects it, but other than that, its better for Vetex to focus on just adding more content than reworking already working stuff.

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Ya I would agree… Unless youre doing edtremely large scale AO PvP- You can live just fine without modifiers hahah

Buddy its a famous ao ytber

i’ve said it before i’ll say it again
silver chests should drop things that are a minimum of 50 levels (at their max) below you (e.g. you can get a max level 150 item at level 200 but not a max level 140 item)
gold chests should always drop something that can be upgraded to your level

you’re forgetting one critically important factor: human psychology

if there’s a way to minmax and optimize, most gamers are going to want to be as optimized as possible, especially in the PvP scene, where not having modifiers puts you at an innate disadvantge, not to mention how it artificially raises the level of entry for getting into PvP as those with really minmaxxed grindy modified armor are going to be 100% better off than a chump without.

Oh my-

As of currently, having 5 frozen modifiers gives like 385 defense, or in terms of power, like blasted, gives at most 35 power at max. Other stuff like items are much more efficient in giving power than modifiers.

thats still 2 and a half extra t2 enchants
gamers wanna optimize

…that’s honestly a pretty big difference LOL

gives you enough extra health to live an extra blast or so and more power is always more power

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Isn’t that supposed to be the reward of min-maxing? Like you grinded a LOT so that you can have a slight edge on others. Plus, only like 10% of the playerbase actually PvP’s, so it doesn’t really even matter in the grand-scheme of things,

not to mention the extra defense also increases your regen tick by a noticeable amount