A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

God why must all of my suggestions always attract the blockheads :sob:

It’s not for no reason. I’m still lowering the score because of poor writing skills.

I’m not writing a college level paper for a change proposal about something on a ROBLOX game.

And you claim you’re better than a redditor, yea, ok buddy.

*reading skills

*writing skills

You know most misconceptions are caused by poor writing skills. The statistics make it true. Also would you say that the people who read college app’s also have poor reading skills?

you literally just didn’t read the entire last paragraph tf you mean “writing skills”

like there shouldn’t even be a discussion here :skull:

i would say people who read an entire thing but the last two sentences and then blame the writing have poor reading skills

Well it’s how the college people do it, therefore I do it. If you get low ratings for sucking at expressing your point then that’s just how it is sometimes.





I might not make another suggestion again after this holy hell

if you read a book do you stop just before the last chapter and complain about a poor ending? does a detective stop in the middle of reading a case file and blame the other officers when they don’t understand what’s happening?

Soifonfan when they’re doing a test and don’t answer the last 2 questions and wonder why they didn’t get a full grade

Nah think about it this way.

If I read a terrible book and it has a terrible start and middle, why would I read the rest of it. Most readers would just call it ass and move on.

just say you think the suggestion is ass then instead of blaming the writer when you skip the last 2 sentences for no reason and say something already covered

Nah but in the case of your and my example, a poor start and middle would be the writers fault for making them not want to read the end.

you literally stopped in the middle of a paragraph, and this isn’t a book where that would be applicable, it’s a suggestion

Well that’s just how the cookies crumble sometimes (forgot how it goes)

that is how it goes

Trust me it’s not that bad, you’ll get over it, after all there’s more people that like the suggestion than people who don’t.

there is an overwhelmingly large majority of people who seem to either not have the reading comprehension to see some of the issues I’ve covered already, are literally so dumb they somehow completely miss the point of the suggestion entirely, and some who quite unironically actually like the current way modifiers work ingame (trust me this one is the weirdest)

You’ll survive