A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

Do you even have any other reason besides “it’s what college teachers do” to actually give my suggestion such a low rating or is it the same level of logic on par with “durrrr this guy is making modifiers more like enchants me no like QoL unga bunga”

no lol


I’m never making a serious QoL suggestion again.



Also you should probably put the solutions to any glaring problems in a part at the start, since the forumers dont have the reading comprehension to get past that

ao players try not to be stuck up the ass about any minor nitpick they have with the writing of a suggestion in order to have an excuse to rate it lower, getting into a massive argument which only extends the lifespan of the suggestion they wish to defame challenge:

Although it doesn’t tackle the core issue of modifiers directly, I think it’ll be nice to have.

The core issue I believe the modifiers have is that modifiers are mandatory requirements for every optimal builds as they can directly increase the power of an item usually without any drawback. (no, not the stat)
They’re similar to enchantments where you’ll need to have one otherwise you’ll be directly at a disadvantage.
However, the difference between enchantments and modifiers is that it’s much more difficult to get the modifiers that you want than enchantments.

This suggestion reduces the tediousness of modifiers by making it much easier to obtain the modifiers that you want. However, this also makes modifiers more similar to enchantments as the difference between modifiers and enchantments is their grinding requirement.

Holy shit, a good, fair, and generally understandable criticism comment? that’s rare

honestly I kind of don’t know what other ways you could make modifiers healthy for game balanced because they were sort of just added willy nilly one day and ever since have made the barrier into PvP even higher than ever, which is just frankly irritating.

The only alternative I see to this is, well, removing modifiers entirely.

The solution for modifiers, in my opinion, is to make it so every modifier has to trade off something to gain something. Basically, have both advantages and disadvantages.

To take this idea even further, you can make it so unmodified items can sometimes become a preferable alternative to having any modifiers. This is so that modifiers will not be a requirement for some builds.

No need to remove something when it’s already added. It’s much easier to rework something than to remove something and add something to replace it.


That’s a pretty good idea

so like, would superheated lower your attack size for example?

blasted lowers your defense?

Something like that I guess?

Well, the disadvantage have to be significent enough so that players don’t just slap modifiers on without thinking much, and also the advantages should also be good enough that it’s worth the tradeoff.
This problem should probably be left for the balancing team to solves.

I’m not sure how but typ0 seems to have an aura of impossible internet occurances,
from actually winning arguments to recieving fair and unbiased criticism.

Well to be fair. If you have the intellect and the knowledge, it would be much easier and more effective at annihilating your opponents’ arguments, especially if they’re not skilled enough to match your.

But I guess I might have been underestimating the level of skill other people have. Because putting actual effort into thinking seems to already be at least one step above.

I’ve compiled a list of everyone’s complaints so that nobody has to go through the same torture I’ve had to.

Here it is.
  • This suggestion has drop rates that are far too high.
    Then the suggestor or Vetex himself can tweak these values after implementing it. After all, suggestions are just ideas that are passed around here and there, anyone who receives them should be entirely capable of adapting them to their needs.

  • Currently unmodifiable equipment could then be modified.
    This can easily be fixed by adding a random lore reason as to why they wouldn’t be able to, and its implementation shouldn’t be too difficult either.

  • This will make traders mad as the value of their items would dwindle.
    Two options here; One to appropriately refund them, the other to hit them with the truth: They are playing Arcane Odyssey free of charges.

  • It’s a good gameplay loop and shortening it isn’t good for the the game’s health.
    I may not agree, but even if this suggestion were to be implemented into the game, the addition of lost and buried sets will fix this issue.

  • It turns modifiers into a second set of enchantments, stopping them from being unique.
    They sort of already are secondary enchantments at this point in time, but even then, they separate themselves by having visuals (though now they won’t be seen as the ‘unusuals’ of arcane odyssey, which is really just a community issue).

  • This topic wasn’t well written.
    That is correct, but what does that have to do with this suggestion?

  • There are too many replies.
    That is your fault.

  • I didn’t read the whole suggestion.
    What are you down in the replies for then?? Go back up and read the whole thing to then provide feedback about it!

As for my own feedback...

Overall, this suggestion is pretty solid.
Not only will it cut down on the annoying grind that is getting a better set of armour, but it would also allow for easier and faster character customisation, providing people with further creative power.

So while I do understand that good modified items are meant to be rare, implementing this suggestion would outweigh this (apparently) negative effect by providing the players with more things to do, making the community flourish a little more as casual players get to do more things (due to its ease of access, people who don’t want to invest too much time into AO might still invest some more).


It’s not defamation if it’s true lil bro

how is the poor grammar relevant to the topic tho

Poor grammar = not wanting to read yap session

Therefore I ignore the points and rate low. Like how the college/job apps be doing it

we’re going in circles :sweat:

I really liked @darkbitlike’s idea though, giving modifiers downsides would help give reason to not run them.

If they have downsides then how exactly does it help weaker armor gain a leverage? I already seen the flaw in that too.