A Transcription of RO

above is a transcription i made of one of the player party’s encounters in Robobitch Odyssey. wanna fight epic battles like these with these characters and more? join Robobitch Odyssey today!



The player guild. Optional to join.

The Emerald Sea

A non-canon sea to the north of the Bronze Sea. It is separated by the Dark Sea.

The Storm Piercer

Arcana’s current main ship. Gained after unchaining it underwater before the events of the transcription. Originally owned by the legendary pirate captain Sapphire Starr.

@Arkan Narration, Marisa Bartels
@SomewhatUnnamed Remus Galveston
@sabio Sol
@Ratlord Salem Seas
@BaguetteCrusader Fritz Stella Alba
@Robotstics Additional writing

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No puck, L transcript

No aether, L transcript

see y’all in sea 2 baby
that’s likely when i get my shit together and join the main story

(we’re already in the emerald sea as of right now)

Truly the odyssey of all time

No FLIPPIN OUT. L transcript.

partial somewhatunnamed, w transcript