@tiki you do realise you have made yourself really unpopular lmao
imagine reporting someone for killing you in an rpg game that’s not even finished, where you don’t even lose anything except crowns and where you can just switch servers
you mean infamous?
if someone is bullying, remember ‘Vita’
also @tiki thanks a lot ya reasonless line-crossing friendship-denying kill-stealing crown-deleting player-mocking weed, don’t try this again
You honestly shouldn’t just tell ppl to ‘git gud’. This is serious, it isnt a joke and shouldn’t be treated like one unless you want a toxic af community
why are you comparing dying and respawning with 0.0001% progress lost to a beating someone to death irl?
i dont know any language i screech into my phone and it transcribes what im thinking
straight up git gud or join a different server, not that hard and theres no other options without stooping down to their level like you did here
Man you guys are really giving this tiki guy a lot of attention, keep going, what could go wrong