[Abyss Sea] [Chapter 1] Day 1

(Previously: [ABYSS SEA] [prologue] 3 introductions, The truce, the first witness, and the chase to orign)

Zion Spectre was retreating from the dark sea, everyone at sailors lodge were on edge as the dark walls expanded, encroaching on all of the war seas, then they saw her, she was a regular who came by, one they knew always took short trips never straying to far into the depth of the dark sea, so they recognized her ship, and due to coming from the dark sea so soon after the walls fell they hoped she may have an idea and enlighten them as to what is happening

Unfortunately, the Atlanteans where not far behind, they were way, way to close

Their hopes were dashed away almost immediately as they heard her mortar firing, aimed behind her brig, and the endless sea of ships that followed, all bearing an unknown flag
Everyone had begun to scramble for their weapons and ships, beginning to set sail as quickly as they could get moving, however, some also decided to stay, in hopes to delay the invasion so those who fled inwards would be able to warn everyone of the incoming invasion

Once Zion Spectre passed sailors lodge, all hell broke loose as the fleet of Atlanteans so close behind began to hit, just as much as other places near the edges of the war seas, some atlanteans swerved off to the side, aiming and firing their cannons, but many others went for rams, aiming to board the other ships, and walk onto the wooden platforms that made up Sailors Lodge, consuming and infecting everyone they could get their hands on, if they still had hands, and with just the massive amount of ships, there were just to many for all of them to be stopped, 3 of the ships opted to continue pursuing their original prey, Zion Spectre, so persistent

They caught up to her, crashing against the sides of her ship, and firing cannons point blank right before they bagan to board, her crew was forced to fight, barely passed sailors lodge, still in clear sight of the carnage, as they came on board, Zion first used some of her shadow magic to try and confuse the atlanteans, hoping that perhaps, just maybe, the lack of color may confuse them into attacking each other, it was her only hope at surviving, and she was very lucky, with the vison lacking color, they confused eachother as enemies, it was all the same, some of the captains bagan to hit eachother and their crew, it was chaos, but with her vessel wedged between 2 of those ships, and a 3rd right at the rear, she had no control over where they were going, but Sandfall isle was off just a bit to the north, she could see it in the distance as they sailed, and then she looked ahead, and saw a wirlpool, no one had noticed it yet admist all of the fighting, and even with the atlanteans fighting eachother, they were entire crews of monsters, each of the captains being fully mutated, there was no chance at winning this fight, and she knew it

So once the ships shook as they made impact with the whirlpool being shoved and pulled towards the center, she ran across the deck of the ships, over the atlantean ship to her own ship’s left and jumped off, and with a surge of lightning pushed herself forwards towards sandfall isle, and she would soon be the lone survivor of her crew, but how long will that last? It was only the first day of this hellish invasion

“What did we do wrong to deserve this?”

(Next: [ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 2] Day 3, Mutual Survival)