[ABYSS SEA] [prologue] 3 introductions, The truce, the first witness, and the chase to orign

3 humans, at different times met the invasion in 3 different situations

Aarav Asher - an Acid conjurer with a bursting Katana, Swift Wooden Greatclub, and Swift Duel old flintlocks, he was within the nimbus sea fighting against Captain Maria when the invasion reached them, the whirlpools would have kept most of the Atlanteans at bay, but due to the sudden occurrence of strange ships caused the fighting to momentarily stopped, especially when one of the stronger atlanteans, a mutated one managed to break free of a whirlpool and make it to the ship where all the noise was, interrupting the battle at hand.
Aarav was already losing and near defeat when the atlantan arrived, and maria only had quite a collection of minor wounds and melted armor that would be patched up after the fight, but due to the current injuries, neither would have been able to kill the mutated atlantean alone, ultimately forcing them to work together to kill the beast, and as they then looked out further into the sea, seeing many more unfamiliar flags approaching, Aarav ultimately submitted to Maria and would work under her for so long as this crises is to continue

Zion Spectre - A Shadow mage that picked up lightning after her awakening, she was doing one of her short trips out into the dark sea within the first layer, she never went beyond that layer due to the waves and such it would cause repairs to be more expensive if more time were to be spent out there, so the trips were always quick and short, looting abandoned ships and close by islands before turning around, and she only fought an Atlantean once, and almost died to it before claiming victory, she new how strong they were, so once she saw the dozens and dozens of Atlantean flags headed her way, she did a full 180 and went straight back to the war seas, and during the entire retreat her crew was stationed at the mortar and cannons, firing back at any ship that managed to outpace her, slowly catch up, the damage she causes to to those ships slowed them down a little, and occasionally hurts some of the Atlanteans on board, she was barely ahead of them when she reached the war seas, headed straight for sailors lodge as it was always her favorite spot to drop off any chests she found, and being near the edge it was usually off to the dark sea near there where her trips where starting and ending, but now, all she could do was sail past, and hope the ships would stop their pursuit in favor of easier prey “I’m sorry I’m not strong enough, but i don’t plan on dying”

Zeke Zimmer - A warrior that abandoned his Iron magic in favor of improved skill with his weapons, the swift scimitars of storm stolen from Elias, a strong revenna great sword, and, the Triasta of bronze he enchanted to be quicker in it’s strikes.
When the invasion reached him, he was within Ravenna, planning on a attack against King Calvus, while he was unable to kill king calvus, let alone beat him now that the former king has been mutated, the best he was able to do was steal the weapon while the king was in a panicked state as his mind slowly crumbled to pieces
Zeke then fled the island, onto his boat with his crew and set sail, soon finding that the entire war seas are being overrun, why have they all come now in such large numbers, even tier 1 of the dark sea had few atlanteans, and now over the course of less than a week the bronze sea was infested with countless of them
He would have went up to the sky islands, but there were just far to many Atlanteans at the base scrambling up only to get knocked back down, so in the end he sailed out past them, and past white summit, some Atlanteans on course after him, so he set his crew to work on the Coehorn, firing shot after shot at the ships that followed him out as he set out to the dark sea “If they all came to the war seas, there must be few remaining out there, if there are any left, might be safer than the war seas now”
“just need to take out those monsters trying to follow us”

(Future continuations of this will more than likely focus on 1 of them at a time, mostly so i can actually think of a better topic/chapter name than the current abomination, i apologize for this, but it was just so short for all 3 of them atm, and didn’t wanna put down all 3 back to back, didn’t exactly seem like there was much of a better idea, sorry-)

(Next: [Abyss Sea] [Chapter 1] Day 1)

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