[ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 4] Week 1, Hunger for power

(Previously: [ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 3] Day 5, to where they came)

The first day, She was stranded, Zion Spectre, alone at Sandfall Isle while her crew and the cloest of the Atlanteans fell into a whirlpool, she was soaked from the distance that she had swam after jumping across the ships


For the first day she wandered around the island, seeing what she had to work with, some of the cactus around had some food on it, a bit prickly, but she can manage, but she also found 3 gunpowder barrels in a cave at the back of the island, not sure why it’s there, but it will help if larger crews of Atlanteans appear, she can only take on one of those mutated atlanteans at a time, on the lower side, the gunpowder barrels will be a great help

On the 2nd day, some of her crew washed up on the shore, dead, or atleast as close to dead as their mind ceasing to exist, when Zion began to dig, making a grave to start giving them proper burials, their skin had faded, beginning to grow purple, and stood up as they walked to Zion, but with all the sand around, it was easy to hear as they came

She got rid of them, she didn’t know they could spread like an infection in such a short time, small, full powered blasts of her Purple lightning magic was enough to vaporize the weaker members of the crew, turned them to ash before they woke up, but the 2 quartermasters, stronger and more durable, would, need to be completely blasted apart, and the magic assault woke them up once struck, but the barrage quickly dealt with them before they could actually attack, and now, she cried, not only had she abandoned her own crew, she had to kill them all to “What, sort of monster am i?”

Later in that same day she went back to the lil hole where she found the barrels before and sorta just, sat there, out of sight, other Atlanteans may miss her spot and just sail past the island, she has some food for the day at least

The 3rd day, she had to go out and start fishing, in the never ending storm of the poisoned sea, caught some fish, went and took down the bridge in front of the hole in the wall, and used lightning magic to set it on fire to start cooking the fish.
Unfortunately for her, she was spotted by an Atlantean Ketch as it turned towards the island late in the day

‘one fully mutated, one lesser mutated, the rest will be fodder’ Zion Spectre mumbled to herself as they grew close, and she ate some of the fish, better to fight with a full stomach rather than an empty one ‘will i need the explosives? prob not, just go big for the fodder than switch to the small and strong to deal with the actual threats while their vision is hampered’

Once they were close enough, she began, large attacks harming the entirety of the crew as they jumped ship to approach and consume, all the lost sailors, the fodder went down in one blow, so, human-like They were all human at some point, and they stuck with their crew to the end, coward

Zion’s eyes widened, she was barely able to dodge an attack, the whispered thoughts barely understood as the switched to the quicker electric magic, small, fast and strong, able the completely vaporize some of the weakest with a single charged blow, but with the atlanteans that have begun or have completed their first mutations, are to powerful
and she was then caught off guard, the first and only fully mutated atlantean she fought used weapons, she was unaware they could use their own magic separate from their bodily mutations, she was hit with a direct blast filled with nothing but poison
soon after, she took out the lesser mutated atlantean, then the captain was all that remained, Zion of course eventually won, but she had been poisoned, and clawed at by the captain ‘If anymore ships come, i need to use the explosives’

Night had come, and she stumbled up towards her cave, using a few pulses of magic to get inside of her little space in the wall to rest and recover, but now that she has been scratched, the Atlantean infection has begun to spread within her blood, a limit to her mind, which seems to already be in stress

On the 4th day, she woke up sick, her head throbbing as she slowly stood up
It hurt, everything hurt, it felt like she was punched over and over again in the gut, then it stopped ‘what is, happening to me…?’

‘don’t think it would, be a good idea to sail out into this mess like this. It feels so terrible…’

She started to move the barrels down, so they would be in more convenient positions to blow up the atlanteans, she didn’t feel great, would be hard to fish if anything big bit down, might lose the rod, but no food-… ‘whatever, i can live without eating, for a day’ and as she went back up to the hole in the wall above, she glanced at the corpses still on the beach, once she was inside, she curled up into herself, hugging her own buddy as the infection slowly grew

On the 5th day when she woke up, she felt parched, she needed water, she moved up to the water higher up on the Island, and started to drink, and drink, and drink, she couldn’t get enough, then she noticed an Atlantean brig was approaching, she set up one of the gunpowder barrels right along the shore where they would go before going back up to drink even more ‘something is wrong with me, something is wrong’

Right before the Atlanteans actually made landfall, she stood back up, and charged a full electric blast, once they got onto land, she shot the barrel, exploding it, killing all the fodder, greatly injuring the 2 lesser mutated Atlanteans, and greatly hurt the Mutated Atlantean, followed up by a couple Shadow pillars, killing the lessers and leaving the greater one to be finished off with several beams of lightning

Her head hurt again, pain, pain, still dry, she held her head stumbling back before falling into the water, she was no longer parched, she surfaced, coughing only slightly, having swallowed the rest of the water that hadn’t been coughed out, her head sleep some more, so she did after she returned to her hole in the wall

For the 6th day, she felt strange, something was on her head, and she ran her fingers over her head feeling for whatever it was (the lil frills of an axolotl)
She could feel it on both ends, feel her fingers brushing over it
‘It’s over for me, isn’t it? it keeps getting worse’

Zion’s stomach growled, she hadn’t eaten for 3 days, she was hungry. There are plenty of bodies already on the shore, indulge yourself

She couldn’t hold herself back, and she ate, and drank their blood with it all to, so much to eat, it was like a feast, more Atlantean ships started to come, she set up the barrels, they felt lighter, and easier to carry, she had gotten stronger, when she went to blue up the barrels, her lightning magic and turned red, just like the dark sea, she had grown stronger, her magic had changed, when she went to use her shadow magic to hit them all at once to kill off the lesser mutated before she were to focus on the mutated, she noticed her magic had some hints of red within it, darkness magic, she was so much stronger than before, they were all dead within moments, the Atlanteans stopped coming after that, she didn’t care at that moment, just hunger and thirst, and she started to notice, she was actually at the hight of a mutated atlantean now, she had grown larger to

The Atlanteans had given her power without knowing the result, she ate and ate till the bodies were all gone, then she felt sleepy ‘So much has been done today…’ she charged her new red lightning magic, and used it to carry herself there, 1 bolt out over the ocean, and 2nd zap close to the entrance, and a 3rd zap into the doorway ‘It’s getting cramped’ with her shadow magic turning stronger into darkness with red extra parts, she blasted deeper into the lil hole, breaking alot more rocks, making more space for her to sleep once she cleared out the rocks

Day 7, she had grown again, she had mutated further, gills along her sides and also just behind the frills of an axolotl, her feet contained webbing, her skin was covered in purple scales of fish, crap claw as the left hand’s replacement, and a mantis shrimp claw for the right Welcome Spectre, you have grown in power, now you may feast on any you’d like she didn’t even bother to acknowledge the voice as she crawled out of her home as a brand new monsterous Atlantean

An Atlantean brig was turning away from the island, but she wanted to feast, she charged her red electricity and zipped over, 3 pulses of red lightning, and she was above the ship, and as she fell down, she coated her body in her darkness magic, damaging the deck of the ship just from landing on it, one punch from the mantis shrimp claw and the darkness exploded around the punch, instantly killing the captain and greatly injuring the quartermasters, the shock wave was able to kill all the lost sailors, leaving the lesser mutated quartermasters to be slain, one by the crabs claw, the other by a bite on the neck, tearing out it’s throat

She would feast once again, she could not get enough of it anymore, she would eat them all