[ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 5] Order Log: Sandfall Spectre

(Previously: [ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 4] Week 1, Hunger for power)


This file is reserved for those at the officer rank and above, this file may be given to agents if they partake on missions in areas near sandfall

If you are an initiate return this to where it was found, if it was laying discarded report your findings to the nearest officer

If you are an agent and received this file from your superiors, you may read this file, if not given to you by a superior, use the steps above as if you were an initiate

Former and current names

Former Name: Zion Spectre

Current Name: Spectre

Power class

Was originally High Monsterous, bordering Nightmarish, has since risen to be slightly above average Nightmarish


Sightly below average in size to most Nightmarish Atlanteans, but still far to large to be mistaken for a monstrous Atlantean, on the sides of the head are frills resembling that of an axolotl.
The left hand has been mutated to be replaced with pincers that resemble that of a Crab, while the right hand was replaced with claws that resemble that of a mantis shrimp.
the mouth has grown to take up most of it’s lower face, capable of stretching further apart when consuming smaller Atlanteans and comes paired with extremely sharp teeth for Atlanteans that may be closer to it’s own size.
It’s body is covered in purple scales, causing reduced damage from sharp weapons
It also appears to have a short tail protruding from it’s lower back where the scales are thinner, the tail resembles that of an axolotl though noticeably longer than it should be relative to body size, and near the end of the tail it is able to split open into 3 parts, though it is not a very wide opening and likely a mutation currently growing


Darkness Magic, Red Lightning magic, can air dash omni-directionally up to 3 times consecutively using Red Lightning magic before needing to touch down, Superior Regeneration, Regeneration of lost limbs (over the course of an unknown amount of time after a battle)

Initial discovery

After about a week had passed since the beginning of the invasion rumors began to spread of a decrease of Atlanteans that patrolled in areas near Sand fall isle, which prompted us to send out a crew to instigate the area in search for a form of repellent, unfortunately that was not the case when they discovered this Atlantean while being pursed by an Atlantean Brig as they passed the Island, there were 3 read streaks of lightning originating from the Island leading up closer to the ship with each one until it ended in the air above our ship, moments later, Spectre dropped onto the ship with it’s body coated in darkness magic, the brig was damaged when it landed on deck.
When it first landed the crew prepared to fight, though the Atlantean did not atatck immediately growling at the crew and taking a step towards the captain before looking up to the pursing Atlantean Brig, when it did that it stopped it’s growling as the Darkness magic around it’s body vanished as it began to charge it’s red lightning magic, performing a high jump and then dashing towards the ship in only 2 bolts, using the 3rd to crash itself down onto the hull of the ship, our investigation group could only describe the following scene as a “Bloody Massacre” with the Atlantean crew being devoured, then it seemed to return to Sandfall isle, now ignoring our investigation crew


Due to how Spectre Ignored our investigation crew upon spotting the following Atlantean brig a theory was formed and tested where either the bigger Atlanteans provided more food, or a taste preference it would opt to attack other Atlanteans over humans.
In 1 test we sent a ketch towards sandfall Isle with instructions to avoid all Atlantean ships, they were not heard from again, later we sent brigs with instructions to allow Atlantean ships to follow them towards Sandfall Isle, the same results as the first encounter occured, and this process was repeated 10 additional times, by the 3rd test the Atlantean had noticibly grown, which was when it Advanced to Nightmarish, and at the 4th test, it no longer boarded our ships, furthermore galleons were not needed to repair it for the damage from landing on our decks, instead noticing the following Atlantean ships and going straight for it, showing that Spectre has decent cognitive abilities, the same results for the 4th test were repeated in all subsequent repeats of this same test

The next test had us send a crew to Sandfall isle itself instead of passing by it
When they arrived Spectre was at the top of the island, watching our crew
First, our crew attempted to speak to it, and it understood them, even responding with it’s own gurgling voice, simply calling itself spectre, though as the captain spoke with it our crew explored the rest of the island, and managed to find some of the signs that pointed towards it’s original name as Zion Spectre
Unfortunately, there were consequences as the crew realized that the “intelligent” Atlantean was female, those consequences are probably obvious enough if you have any general knowledge of the worlds state prior to the invasion
The initiates that were not torn apart and consumed by the angered Atlantean were promptly removed from further testing and are currently under psychological examination

Further testing is currently prohibited to allow Spectre time to itself to emotionally stabilize, testing will resume sometime next month, all current and future employees will undergo psychological examination on a bi-monthly basis on the 3rd day

Combat observations/Recommended approach

Combat initiation - The first move that is always used when it starts a confrontation is the 3 omni-directional lightning dashes, using it to close up the distance
If it uses up all 3 dashes to get close it will be left above itself and cover it’s body in a Aura of Darkness magic as it falls onto whomever is below
If it takes 2 or less dashes to reach the target, the final dash will send itself plummeting directly to the target, dealing a larger amount of damage than if it already used up it’s dashes
During the approaching phase, it is recommended to be ready to dash away at moments notice to avoid the initial slam attack

combat start - It may use he crab claws to grab and stuff you into it’s mouth, for larger targets closer to it’s own size it may tear off limbs instead to eat them, may also use the mantis shrip claw during a grapple to punch a hole straight through the body, or break a target up into smaller chunks, though when Spectre was angered, it can also use this elect pain by slowly tearing one apart and punching holes in areas where it would not be a quick kill, whatever you do, do not engage in melee combat, keep your distance

Main Combat stage - When you reach this stage of combat, it means it was unable to grab you, and will now begin to fight with a larger arrange of it’s known abilities, DO NOT engage in the water, with the electric dashes you will be harmed by it simply approaching you, large bodies of water must be avoided during combat.
Darkness magic is the primary magic used in this stage, and will also be used in earlier stages if you are in a large group, as it uses it at a large size to kill off the weakest of targets, and if a target is evasive the darkness messing with vision allows it to strike with more concentrated attacks much easier, when it will use it’s lightning on a small size which is capable of vaporizing weak targets, leading to only be used on anyone capable of surviving the initial hits, it is recommended to try hiding around objects or corners to avoid the large attacks, as if you are unable to see you will more than likely be struck with several bolts of lightning, so if blinded simply attempt to move in random directions and hope it misses, you are not expected to survive for long if it blinds you, it can also use it’s mantis shrimp claw with it’s darkness aura to create a pulse in front of itself that spreads in a medium distance
Due to it’s triple air dash, you must not fight it in the air as it will out maneuver you and close in, stay low to the ground so you may continuously dash away to avoid it from closing it on you, if you are a magic user, wind would be preferable as you may have a chance at pushing it away if you are unfortunate enough to be caught in a corner


As time goes on, as atlanteans come near it will attack the ship and devour all atlanteans on board, growing stronger with the corrupted magic from other atlanteans being absorbed during consumption, though with fewer Atlanteans being near the sandfall area has been causing a slow but notable growth as they move farther out to hunt Atlanteans, but if unable to find any they will still attack humans as an alternate source of food, which is usually followed by a expansion of how far they will go to hunt, though as they get larger they get hungrier, which has eventually resulted in hunting multiple ships each hunt before always returning to sandfall isle, currently it’s range reaches towards Sailors lodge, if it expands much farther it may reach Ravenna and encounter the former king of Ravenna
During hunt’s it usually remains close to the waters surface, beginning to dash towards ships once it is close enough for it’s triple dashes to arrive at the ship


Due to Spectre’s tendency to attack Atlanteans, we can use it to lure more powerful atlanteans towards Sandfall Isle to eliminate other major Atlanteans that move across the war seas instead of staying put. Due to Spectre always returning to sandfall makes it so predicting where they are less of an issue unless a hunt is occuring

Final notes

On one of it’s hunts Spectre encountered the Atlantean Ruby Rodger where it had been completely outclassed and caused the loss of various limbs, this was the first recorded case of Spectre retreating from a battle where it fled back to sandfall, though in the following hunt with limbs having been regenerated it hunted a much larger amount of “prey” to normal to make up for the previous failure and growing hunger before returning to normal hunting habits

Currently it would be recommended to Avoid Sandfall Isle and avoid confronting Spectre unless you have proven to have the capability to deal with overwhelming agile targets and have previously slain a Nightmarish Atlantean

Sandfall Spectre log end

1 Like

Hold up :raised_hand:
What TF did they do :sob:

Was expecting a reply like this

Basically some of them may have tried to hit on her/flirt

Cause some ppl are just crazy like that, so even the ppl in the story are gonna be crazy idiots from time to time where you wonder why they didn’t die sooner
