[ABYSS SEA] [CHAPTER 6] Timeless Sea

(Previously: [ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 5] Order Log: Sandfall Spectre)

Zeke Zimmer and his crew sailed out away from the war seas followed by multiple Atlantean ships, one his quartermasters at the wheel as Zeke Zimmer stood at the rear of his Brig holding the stolen Triasta of bronze while the Atlanteans neared, preparing to board his ship, As the Atlanteans crouched down, ready to jump across to his Brig, the Triasta shined as Zeke prepared for the inevitable battle, they are to strong for the rest of his crew, even if they were not outnumbered.

When the Atlanteans finally jumped, Zeke made his move Sparrow Thrust, the shockwave pushed the Atlanteans back, landing on their own ship, Zeke jumped into the air, Ethereal Flash he darted down onto the Atlantean deck, blasting them with the Aether energy imbued in the weapon, taking down some of the lost sailors while still harming the others Impaling strike, he stabbed it into the gut of the Atlantean, and then flicked it up, kicking them into the sky, then as the other Atlanteans came, even ones from the 2 other ships just behind this lead one with 2 entire crews, Zeke dashed past the first 2, placing himself between them all, and as the captain he sent into the air charged it’s crystal magic, he switched to his strong Ravenna Greatsword Tempest, He spun, clashing against all of their attacks, keeping himself protected while wounding the many Atlanteans around him, and he dashed for the captain of one of the 2 ships, and used the Sword Draw technique: Mountain wind at point plank range, the damage was incredible, then the others were almost upon him again, and he leaped into the air, straight up as he took out the twin scimitars, and he swung twice at those below Twin Crescents, the strikes managed to kill the captain of the first ship, then he dashed away again, back to the leading ship as he glance back to where his own ship was, they hard turned to the left, one of the many islands in the dark sea was just ahead, then he did one last move as he swicthed back to the Triasta, using the sparrow thrust again to knock the Atlanteans back as he jumped overboard, using the Ethereal flash to advance closer to his ship, and then air dash over, barely managing to reach to back of the ship and grab hold, but it was all he needed as one of his quartermasters pulled him over back onto the deck where he breathed heavily, using all of those attacks one after the other, it took it’s tole, but it was enough to keep them back for his crew
The captain to the frontmost ship had been slain, leaving it to continue forwards. and the ship to the right of it was blocked from turning by the first, causing those 2 ships to crash against the island, leaving 1 ship to continue the chase as Zeke gave a command “Fire the Coehorn, use the heavy explosive cannonballs, it’s the best we got, and pass the wheel back to me”
Then they managed to sink it, the best shots they had, and continued to sail forwards, leaving the Atlanteans stranded in the sea as Zeke and his crew continued to sail forwards, delving deeper into the Dark sea, back at the bronze sea, despite the overhead, there was still a small amount of light that got in, but everyday the clouds were getting thicker, but out here, were it was already clouded for countless years, was far to thick to make out the time, the dark sea was a timeless expanse.

They continued for a few hours before stopping on the side on one of the countless random islands scattered across the dark sea, hours, but was it days? The clouds are even thicker way out here, you can’t see the sun, or the moon, the lighting has never changed, everyone is tired, the crew set up some tents and slept while Zeke stood guard, occasionally performing maintenance on his ship so it doesn’t end up becoming a wreck.

The world felt like it was in a loop, lightning after lightning, wave after wave, and the sky remained as dark as ever, impossible to tell the time of day, and eventually the war seas will be just the same as out here as the clouds grow thicker and higher
. . . . .
How long have they been out there already?
Once everyone was awake, they got back onto the ship and sailed back out to sea
Soon this would become routine, fishing for food and avoiding the sounds coming from below while docking at islands to sleep, occasionally Zeke Zimmer would have to fight a few Atlanteans for a safe sleep, it wasn’t that big of a problem
The routine continued for a long while, and he made sure to not go to far, staying away from the beginnings of the insanity ranges
Eventually Sirens too, they started to come by, less food had been coming to them with that Atlantean invasion, so they started to follow, the first attack was a complete surprise, he lost 1 of his crew members before they finished off the Sirens
That was the first warning he got that there was more out there heading for the War seas, and the only 1 that mattered for him and his crew, for the next wave of Atlanteans were upon them
Monsterous Atlanteans, larger than any Atlantean he had previously fought were now captains of the ships approaching, a fleet of brigs, a few of the quartermasters fully mutated

The war seas could barely handle the first wave, and this 2nd wave has creatures most more powerful, ships even stronger than the previous ones, all faster

There. Was. No. Hope.
But there was 1 thing that could be done, even if it was negligible in the end as Zeke Zimmer gave his final command
Then it began, 1 ship, outmanned, outnumbered, outclassed, they were at every disadvantage possible, but with their captains words, the commanding voice screaming over the rain and thunder, they all decided, they would indeed die fighting, they would not give in
They shot and fired, and between shots they would fire their guns across the ships towards the Atlanteans, but those new monstrous ones, they were to strong, didn’t even feel most of the bullets, and when the first one came to the ship, Zeke tried to knock it back, but, it was to strong, to big, to heavy, it was barely pushed back before it lunged back, landing on the hull of his ship, his crew was slaughtered, leaving Zeke alone to fight that creature, he could make it bleed with all of his tricks, the greatsword with the 3 tornado’s at near point blank range got it to react
Unfortunately, that was it, right after he hurt it more ‘significantly’ it got angry, and in the blink of an eye, a blur. giant claws at snipped his neck, and he fell limp, his head rolling along the deck of the ship, sails still up, crashing into the side of one of the Atlantean vessels, all it took was 1 monstrous Atlantean to put an end to it.

Zeke Zimmer was no more, and his body would never be recovered as his body is consumed by the 2nd Atlantean fleet

Innaccurate didn’t instantly murder all the atlanteans

might for some of the weaker ones