Drop your OC statuses

This is less of an OC and more of an idea of a direction you could take King Calvus IV.

Calvus, Herald of the Deep

Status: Infected, Stage WTF!? (potentially Stage 4)

Insanity Level: ??? (could be 5, could be 0, could be anything in between, impossible to determine)

Whereabouts: Ravenna Castello, sometimes ventures out to deal with particularly powerful or resilient survivors.

Appearance: For someone so utterly changed by the Infection, Calvus looks disturbingly close to his old self. He is taller than he used to be, but only as much as a Tier 1 Atlantean, and while his skin now possesses an unhealthy purple hue, he still bears human features and has a full head of hair, differentiated from an ordinary human only by sharp claws, webbing between his fingers, and gills on the sides of his chest that are normally hidden beneath the barnacle-and-moss-covered armor and crown he still wears. Unlike most infected, his eyes glow purple rather than white.

Personality: Calvus has come through the infection with the ability to speak, think, and use magic intact. How he did this is unknown, though many note the effect his father’s power had on Akursius’s Keep and theorize that the infection interacted with the fragment of Nero Caesar’s power he inherited in unprecedented ways. What is known is that the man he used to be is most certainly dead, replaced by a detached, cold, remorseless monster who claims to serve ‘the Deep’ as its herald, and who will not hesitate to slaughter or infect any survivors who become resilient or powerful enough to threaten ‘the Deep’s servants’ or ‘its plan for us all’. It’s unclear if he’s insane, if he’s a puppet of something masquerading as the cause of the magical corruption, or if he really is serving some malign intelligence that controls the Atlanteans and the Dark Sea.

Abilities: In addition to his already-formidable existing abilities, Calvus has gained a permanent aura effect that causes extreme mental distress in any non-Atlanteans in his vicinity, rapid regeneration that causes him to heal from all but the most grievous of wounds in the blink of an eye, massively increased (physical) speed and reflexes, the ability to harness the magical corruption of the sea as an effectively limitless source of magical energy, and the ability to telepathically communicate with and control Atlanteans in a massive radius around him. Moreover, he retains all the cunning, skill, and tactical acumen he had as a king, allowing him to coordinate Atlanteans in his vicinity, thus turning a animalistic mob into a frighteningly efficient and deadly army. And his connection to the Dark Sea allows him to flood a victim with magical corruption through physical contact, infecting them and causing them to progress to the Mutated stage in a matter of hours. Between all that and the truly cataclysmic amount of magical power he can throw around, it’s little wonder why every encounter with him so far has ended in the death or infection of literally every single human who had the misfortune of attracting his (or if he’s to be believed, ‘the Deep’s’) ire.

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And on that note here’s my own OC, modeled after the Mage I play as in-game.

Name: Alyssa Silver, leader of the Azure Guard

Status: Alive, Stage 1 Infected (Stage 2 before she figured out how to surgically revert it back to Stage 1), Curse-Bearer (Wave Curse)

Insanity Level: 1

Whereabouts: Fort Talos, ventures out periodically to gather supplies, rescue survivors, and do field research.

Story: Alyssa Silver, like many infected and going through the earliest stages of the transformation, was captured by the Order of Aesir and experimented on unethically. Despite their best efforts, the infection continued to progress, eventually reaching Stage 2, and plans were made to euthanize her.

That would have been the end of her tale, if not for Wave Curse bearer General Zaix meeting an untimely end at the Massacre of Cassia Port, and a sea curse’s tendency to get launched off to a completely random location. By some improbable stroke of luck, the Wave Curse ended up landing right smack dab on top of her.

Alyssa promptly broke out of the Order of Aesir facility, washing up on Dawn Island much like her OG counterpart did, although her memories were still intact. For a time she wandered aimlessly, with little to her name besides a set of Lightmancer robes pilfered during her escape, a rowboat, a fishing pole, her magic, and the abilities granted to her by her sea curse.

However, she eventually noticed that her infection wasn’t progressing. A little experimentation later, and she learned of the Wave Curse’s magic-draining properties; said properties had leeched the corrupting energies of the Dark Sea out of her body, permanently stalling the infection and preventing it from progressing past the beginnings of Stage 2. Moreover, the Wave Curse could also drain the corruption out of other Lost Sailors and lesser mutated who have yet to reach Stage 3, granting them a reprive from the slow slide into monsterdom. The transformation couldn’t be permanently halted in others the way it could with her, and regular ‘doses’ of the Wave Curse’s power were thus required to keep the infection suspended indefinitely, but Alyssa was reasonably certain that the Wave Curse could do more if she had the right materials and resources.

Newly motivated by the promise of a cure that the Wave Curse offered, Alyssa set out onto the Bronze Sea once again, seeking a group who would be willing to harbor her and sponsor research into the Wave Curse and its corruption-draining properties. She eventually found such a group in the survivors in Fort Talos, who, while leery of the slight mutations she’d developed before acquiring the Wave Curse, welcomed her when they realized that she could drain the Dark Sea’s foul energies out of more than just people, and thus provide a reliable and steady supply of clean water and food.

Since then, Alyssa has attracted a large number of followers and supporters, so much so that they’be become a small faction unto themselves. Made up mostly of Lost Sailors who have been able to retain their humanity thanks to her Wave Curse, the ‘Azure Guard’, as Alyssa has christened her supporters, assist her with gathering resources and act as voluntary human guinea pigs for her experimental treatments. Thanks to them, Alyssa has managed to develop surgical procedures that can, when paired with the Wave Curse’s effects, revert those suffering from Stage 2 infection back to Stage 1, and portable potions infused with the Wave Curse’s power that have the same effect as a dose of power from her. However, she remains the sole source of this treatment for the infection, and a cure still eludes her. And as her experimental procedures get increasingly invasive, she can’t help but fear that she’s becoming no better than the Order of Aesir.

Side Note: She is aware of a legless Stage 2 infected haunting the lower levels of Fort Talos, and occasionally spends time down there trying to track it down, but she has yet to realize said infected is General Argos. Nor has she had much success with finding him.

Jar of pickles

infection stage: nil
sanity: nil
current location: on a shelf in a pantry closet somewhere on an undisclosed island in the nimbus sea

synopsis: :cucumber:

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This is somehow going to become an important plot point


Currently i got 3 oc’s for this, currently writing up how they would handle the initial invasion mostly complete atm, just a few touchups before i actually post it all up, but from waht i;ve read on what this has so far, day 50+ on some journals, it will be a bit outa date at first before i catch up, but for now here is their status as of the post that does not yet exist:

Aarav Asher - Alive, serving under Captain Maria

Zion Spectre - Alive, first contact with the invasion as they were right behind them fleeing from atlantean ships during a expedition, passed Sailers lodge before they would have caught her

Zeke Zimmer - Spotted leaving the war sea’s with Atlantean ships giving chase, atlantean ships have not yet returned to the war seas, status: Unknown

When i put out the actual story, it will give more details on their situations, this is basically just a summary if you put it down before the story itself

Edit: [ABYSS SEA] [prologue] 3 introductions, The truce, the first witness, and the chase to orign got the link for the 3 with some more details as to the first encounters

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I also have 3 OCs, however one is just for Abyss Sea

Akane Moon (the Abyss Sea only OC) - Currently thinking about making some short Writing posts for her, also she’s partly mutated into a Siren but still is not hostile, possibly a result of her being born in the Dark Sea on a lost merchant ship that managed to escape a few days later. Currently being experimented on by the Order.

Raimon Xhu - My origional OC and the guy with black hair in my profile picture. Don’t know/haven’t thought of his status yet.

Stanford Xhu - My second OC, and the guy with red hair in my profile picture. Raimon’s brother, and the person who taught Raimon how to imbue spirit energy (because he’s a Knight).
Also, he’s dead. His death is a large plot point in my OCs’ lore, and is where the “timeline” usually splits between the different AUs (canon, Abyss Sea, etc.)

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Johnathan Kingsman
Status: depends
Insanity level: 100% sanity
whereabouts: Either Cirrus Island alive and well, or the stepstones killed

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This is a bit outdated now

Aarav Asher - Unchanged

Zion Spectre - Alive, mutated, current residence is Sandfall isle, now simply calls herself “Spectre” after transformation (Also have a log purely abt their information: [ABYSS SEA] [Chapter 5] Order Log: Sandfall Spectre)

Zeke Zimmer - Deceased, slain by Monsterous Atlantean out in the dark Sea

may i just
take this

writing up a story that has this take, may not be quite 100% accurate to this tho, but i want this terror, and I’ll be having it fight-

Go ahead!

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mind if i @ you whenever i finish it? or is just sending a link to your take of it enough?

Finished it
[ABYSS SEA] [CHAPTER 8] The Unholy Nightmares clash, Herald and Spectre (a fight)

Name + Title
Kyle Fallenfire (No title?)
Status: (Alive/Infected, Healthy/Injured, Stage of Mutation, etc)
Insanity Level: 0-5, 0 = 100% sanity, 5 = 0% sanity
Whereabouts: Single or Multiple Locations, if OC’s story is overarching
Cirrus island with other survivors
Story: Can be a short bio, or a whole one shot lmao go crazy
He was sailing to frostmill with cargo from Ravenna because he wanted money as he was selling the cargo he noticed something strange… The dark sea fog barrier was gone? That is when he first saw the atlanteans ships coming through and he did NOT want to do this so he just straight up starting sailing to the step stones afterwards but the atlantean ships were better and faster as a siege weapon insta killed his boat as he only had a caraval the blast from teh siege wepaon injuring him as well but he was at the step stones… Now how to climb them he was going to climb them anyways as he starts walking up the convenient paths that are on the step stones and he was above the atlanteans when they first arrived and managed to get to Cirrus island because of how this game works and how your movement isn’t hindered if your not injured but now he’s on Cirrus island he is going to rest.

Okay kids… I finally came back with the milk.

I’ve FINALLY updated the trello with everyone’s OCs, and if you want anything changed, just ask me Trello

Now to reorganize the entire board in the meantime…


This is based of my in-game character
Name: Robbin Banks, The Final Stand.
Status: Alive, 1 Amputated Arm (The arm was infected so he cut it off)
Insanity Level: 3
Whereabouts: Silverhold → Cirrus
Story: Robbin was like a sorta… Anti-Hero who took stuff from the rich and gave to the poor and came from Palo but when the Atlanteans arrived he hid about like… 1 Mile below Silverhold but after Silverhold fell, he was able to get on a Caravel that was kinda destroyed but not really and tried to ride to Mt. Othrys but on the way, at about Goso Jungle, he was rammed into by a Atlantean Brig and got scratched on the right arm but grabbed a rusty Cutlass that was nearby and cut off the infected arm saying “A infected wound is better than being turned into one of those things” and starts to attempt to kill every single Atlantean and after killing most of them, he sailed the ship and crashed at the Stepstones (Crashing ships will become a trend like Joseph Joestar crashing planes) and climbed the Stepstones reaching Cirrus and the rest can be free of interpretation.

@Mirage can I just retcon bomb Stanford being dead real quick

my guy, Jimmy Crest, is under circumstances that would normally infect him (sitting around on a siren rock) but he’s resisting it very well because of dragon blood + god blood + befriended the siren queen
in other words he’s him :flushed:
prob 1.5 insanity due to power corrupting + the natural insanity of the dark sea

currently being gnawed on

you could have waited a minute longer to make that edit