[ABYSS SEA] That's not the Captain anymore

thats not the issue, its the fact that sea curse users cannot swim in sea water due to how polluted it is, their curse reacts with it and instantly kills them.

if this polluted water evaporates and becomes clouds that rain down poisoned water, curse user then probably wouldn’t be able to step outside when its pouring

Think of it like this, curse users are allergic to magic energy, the dark sea is an area that has a high level of magic energy, therefor any Atlantean that did manage to get ahold of a curse would not be having a good time

Nah, rain for the most part is fine for curse users, it’s moreso being submerged that deals damage to them

ok ok lets just say that this au isnt entirely lore accurate (cause it isnt, the plot of AO doesnt even take place), and for the sake of stakes, we make a few changes so that this event could happen even with active curse users present

I actually really like this, with magic going haywire in the environment could actually see these kinds of things happening

morden just causes a shit ton of ppl to die whenever he goes near them :sob::sob:

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I’m not saying that in lore it works like a videogame, but more being able to gauge how strong something is in lore by its level. We can tell by unholy beast’s level that they are stupid strong and in lore probably can’t get cheesed like we can cheese them ingame.

The point about Beringer isn’t simply that Atlanteans could take out all crappy curse users, its more a point on how the power level of a curse can vary. Like if old argos can beat Beringer than I don’t think its out of the question for an Unholy beast who are way way stronger than old argos, to beat stronger curse users like Julius, especially if there’s a group of them like 10v1ing them(I know having like 10 of them in one place isn’t normal but figuring this is an AU I figure thats possible).

Don’t get me wrong I know in most cases curse users totally chump most Atlanteans even in groups, but I think in an AU like this where they’re crawling out the walls and the ratio of them to curse users is like, idk even know how many to one, including and unknown number of unholy beasts, I don’t think its just gonna be a one sided beat down. At least in the bronze sea where the only curse users are Julian and a tree, unless Morden still has the death curse and hasn’t left in this AU, then Idk.

Edit: I won’t argue anymore after this cause I don’t want to risk making people mad for having a debate under an art post and being annoying

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Gotta put bro in the box

its gonna be really crazy when u guys hear whats gonna happen to argos in this au…

and somehow, u guessed what happened to mord too

NOOO he’s one of my favorites :sob:. Hope nothing happens to Julian as I’m president of his fan club(which only has one member)

youve got a second member now, i used to hate the guy but after i drew him hes quickly my top g

jules is fine, probably a bit too fine seeing as what is going on outside, and is probably
helping defend a refugee site (but is unable to use his curse around others due to reasons still being discussed above lol)

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I’m guessing his curse would turn people into glass statues or make them grow glass inside their body’s

like with Augustine from the hit game infamous second son



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making this canon u genius

if calvus ever gets infected he should turn into a clownfish (clownvus) because of how much of a joke he is

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Honestly, considering how cracked Atlanteans get, Argos 100% would surpass even his peak if he got turned into one.

see, him getting mutated is actually a good thing for argos fans, cause now he’s gonna live past his old age and is also restored to his og glory