Additional Potion Effects + Reagents

Additional Potion Effects + Reagents
effort 5.0 4 quality 5.0 5 reasonability 5.0 5

Status Shielding Potion

A potion effect that protects the target from most status effects, such as Burning, Crystallized, Soaked, Blinded, Frozen, Water Poisoning, etc. Exceptions include unique potion effects (e.g., Love, Waterbreathing), food effects, sweating, Insanity, and Warding. The potion effect will only shield against statuses with tiers lower than it. For example, Tier III Status Shielding can clear and prevent Tier II status effects but cannot protect against Tier III or higher.


  • Arcanium Dust (Decent Quality)
    “A handful of tiny metal filings shaved off a larger Arcanium piece, likely during the production of weaponry and armor.”
    An uncommon item resembling a pile of glowing, sparkling gray dust. Uncommonly obtained from upgrading Arcanium gear at a blacksmith (or opening any chest).

  • Atlantean Oil (High Quality)
    “A dark, oily substance produced within the bodies of highly mutated Atlanteans in the Dark Sea.”
    An exotic item resembling a bottle containing a dark purple liquid. Uncommonly obtained from defeating Atlanteans at Mutated or higher tiers.


I thought it would be neat to have more potions that counter other status effects, such as the Love potion countering itself. The Status Shielding potion can also serve as another way to avoid the annoying Water Poisoning status, especially in cases where you are far away from your ship.

Neutralizing Potion

A potion that clears all other potion effects (positive and negative) and provides a very short period of protection against potions (~8 seconds, regardless of tier). However, this effect will only neutralize potion effects that are a lower tier than it. For example, if a person with Tier II Invisibility and Tier IV Ironskin drinks a Tier III Neutralizing Potion, the Invisibility effect will disappear, but the Ironskin effect will stay.


  • Wild Soapleaf (Decent Quality)
    “A strange plant that produces a soaplike substance from its leaves, often used in homesteads to wash clothes and dishes.”
    A common item resembling a weed-like plant with spindly flowers. Uncommonly found near other plants on wilderness islands (or opening any chest).

  • Alchemist’s Powder (High Quality)
    “A fine powder commonly used in any hands-on job involving the mixture of potentially dangerous substances.”
    A rare item resembling a small box next to a pile of white powder. Rarely sold by merchant NPCs, such as ship merchants and deckhand merchants (or opening any chest).


The Neutralizing Potion allows you to manually remove your potion effects (both positive and negative) without having to wait it out, which is especially helpful in cases where you have two positive effects but want to use another potion. This idea of a potion neutralizer was inspired by Crimsonpant’s suggestion for Palate Cleansers, food items that can clear food effects (Palate Cleansers: Status Effect Clearers).

Weakness Potion

A potion that weakens the target’s offensive capabilities, reducing their overall damage and destructive power. In other words, the target’s attacks (magic, FS, weapon, spirit) will deal less damage against NPCs, other players, and the environment. A Weakness Potion will reduce your damage based on its level, with Tier I potions reducing your damage by ~5% and Tier V reducing your damage by ~25%.


  • Smogshroom (Decent Quality)
    “A large sky-borne mushroom that continuously exudes an intoxicating cloud of spores.”
    A rare item resembling a big, gray mushroom emitting a smoke-like aura. Uncommonly obtained from certain wilderness sky islands.

  • Hydra’s Blood (High Quality)
    “A toxic, silvery liquid that stains to the touch, if you dare to.”
    An exotic item resembling a bottle of metallic liquid (mercury). Rarely obtained from destroying rocks in volcanic areas, such as on volcano islands in the Dark Sea.


I wanted a counterpart to the existing Power Potion, which gives additional damage instead of reducing it. You can use the Weakness Potion to decrease damage from NPCs to help with survivability, as well as on players to annoy the ever-living sh*t out of them.

Crystalizing Potion

A potion effect that inflicts stacks of Crystallization on the target, similar to Crystal Magic. Just like Crystal Magic, a Crystalizing Potion will deal damage when used on a target with three stacks of Crystallization, clearing all stacks. The number of Crystallization stacks inflicted is determined by the potion’s level, with Tier I potions dealing one stack and Tier V potions dealing immediate damage plus another stack of Crystallization. Of course, to avoid the BS that was the old Crystal-Leg Warlock build, Crystalizing Gels will only inflict a single stack of Crystallization on hit, regardless of its tier.


  • Jewel Fragment (Decent Quality)
    “A small fragment of an enchanted gem.”
    A common item resembling a shiny shard of gemstone. Uncommonly obtained from solving treasure charts, defeating your Rival, and opening chests.

  • Rainbow Cluster (High Quality)
    “A dense cluster of colorful crystals imbued with the magical energy of the Dark Sea, seemingly still growing after its removal.”
    An exotic item resembling a cluster of various colorful crystals on a stone base. Uncommonly found on Crystal Field islands in the Dark Sea.


I wanted a potion equivalent to the Crystallization status effect since most other statuses have their own potions.

Explosive Potion

A potion that can create destructive explosions capable of wiping out entire areas and people, including the user. The size, damage, knockback, and destructive power of an Explosive Potion are determined by its tier, with Tier V potions creating a massive mushroom cloud of death upon use. If you drink a Tier V Explosive Potion, you will die in an explosive death, regardless of your health and level.


  • Gunpowder (Decent Quality)
    “A volatile substance used in firing pistols, rifles, and cannons.”
    A common item resembling a pile of gray powder. Commonly obtained from selling Gunpowder Barrels to shipwrights (or opening any chest).

  • Blood of Uranus (High Quality)
    “A yellowish-green ore often used in making glass and ceramic products with a glowing green finish.”
    An exotic item resembling a glowing, greenish-yellow stone. Rarely obtained from destroying rocks (or opening any chest).


I made this for the same reason as the Crystallization Potion but also funny homemade bombs. I’m honestly surprised we don’t have an Explosive Potion in-game.

Additional Notes:

  • The Status Shielding effect is similar to another suggestion calling for a Cleansing Potion, which has the same effect of removing status effects (Potion Idea and reagents for it (just an Idea I had))
  • Was thinking about adding a potion equivalent for the Drained (shadow) status effect, but my ideas were too similar to the existing Blinded and Smokescreen potions. Plus, making the potion that only inflicts Drained sounds just as useless as an Old Boot. You guys have any ideas on making a useful shadow potion?

Ha blood of Uranus all jokes aside i quite like these reagent ideas and they don’t seem like they’ll be difficult to add

seems totally balanced! approved!

Don’t worry, a Tier V Explosive Potion would only destroy an area about a quarter of the size of Mistral Port (if it wasn’t burnt down to the ground already).

bomb potion top-notch
the world can always use another glass of annoyance in a bottle

what I’m hearing is that this will let me actual uranium bombs in AO.

I need no further explanation.

drinks luck V alright lets upgrade all the stuff i got

why not just mercury

me on my way to make explosive gel to use with cannon fist and heavy explosive shells to bombard entire areas with high explosives

In the past, mercury used to be called “hydrargyrum,” which comes from the Greek words for water (hydor) and silver (argyros). In Greek mythology, the legendary hydra (a multi-headed serpent that can regenerate its heads when decapitated) had poisonous blood. Since mercury is also a toxic substance and its old name sounded similar, I took the opportunity to name it “Hydra’s Blood” for some fantasy immersion, as some other reagents (e.g., Tears of Gaia, Tartarus Tears) are named after mythological figures/places.

Would love to have detonation enchant in AO

Drink perfect gilded explosive V elixer with explosive V gel surrounded by gunpowder barrels

Fallout fr

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