Potion Idea and reagents for it (just an Idea I had)

Potion Idea and reagents for it (just an Idea I had) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/e/0/e041b6231414ea5965fc36c6a3e6eb3e7fd3b3d8.png
effort 4.2 5 quality 4.4 5 reasonability 4.4 5

Cleansing potion

Removes all status effects (INCLUDING BUFFS TO MAKE IT BALANCED) and has a grace period which prevents statuses to being applied to you for a certain amount of time it also has exhaustion which lasts for 60 seconds

How it works

Tier 1 Cleansing 2 second grace period (To make it reasonable)
Tier 2 Cleansing 3 second grace period
Tier 3 Cleansing 4 second grace period
Tier 4 Cleansing 5 second grace period
Tier 5 Cleansing 6 second grace period

Should affect the enemy and prevent them from taking any positive or negative statuses to make it balanced

Tier 1 Reagent
Magical Water


Water in a bottle that has magical properties has a chance to be found when bottling river water. Can make decent Cleansing potions

Chance is 20% to obtain

Tier 2
Holy Essence

A holy essence that seems to glow when held it can be found. (somewhere idk) can make high quality Cleansing potions

Realized that this is pretty much the antidote potion in AA but whatever

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That doesn’t look holy to what my head is thinking of
I wonder if theres a pon-


was this made to save people being affected by ironskin potions thrown at them?

I don’t think this is a bad idea at all, especially since other potions are more likely to change PVP balance. This one can still be annoying in PVP though, mainly if someone buffs up for a fight and you throw a cleansing potion at them, nullifying all of their effort.

Aside from the questionable tier 2 one I think this is a good idea, especially for when you have long lasting >10m effects and you want to apply a different one but cant due to the 2 effect limit. Only suggestions I would make is that you would need a potion of equivalent tier to cleanse an effect. For example a tier 2 cleansing potion would clear tier 1 and 2 potion effects but do nothing to tier 3 or higher. That way any schmuck can’t clear effects that someone with perfect brewing and a tier 5 potion had made with some gum they found on the sidewalk and stuck in a cauldron.


Maybe make them reduce the potion effects duration by a set percentage depending on the tier instead?


yes im fucking referring to minecraft…

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I could do that

if its a chance, can bottling river water for the other 80% be just freshwater please…?

Make freshwater give 1 hunger when you drink it

Should prob make it so that if you go in to a place that give insanity it should remove it for the duration that the grace period ends then it goes back should not work on insanity potions though instead it will completely clear it

That makes it even better, it allows you to counter people using hella buffs against you while also being useful to clear negative buffs

I think this pretty much makes up for NON MAGIC builds not being able to clear statuses

I would say this type of potion should also have some sort of exhaustion mechanic like healing just to prevent using it as pseudo-warding especially in the dark sea

Yea I would say like 60 second

Not very yellow TBH

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