Value lists exists of base items and a few enchanted items in them, but I’m making this to show what would be fair in some “tricky” trades to figure out if they’re good or not.
Note that these may and will vary from trader to trader, don’t take this as 100% facts, it’s simply a general value, trade your own and have your own opinions.
= means equal duh, > more than, < less than, ≥ greater than or equal to meaning the value is slightly more, ≤ less than or equal to meaning the value is slightly less.
Hard sunken set = Strong SS (Sunken sword) + 2 clean sunkens
Powerful sunken set = Strong SS (Sunken sword) + 1 clean sunken
Bursting sunken set = Clean SS (Sunken sword) + 1 clean sunken
Clean sunken set = Clean SS (Sunken sword)
Strong vastira = Clean WoJ
Hard vastira ≥ Sturdy WoJ
Clean vastira = Sturdy WoJ
Strong oath = 2 oaths + minor add/Heavy WoJ and Clean WoJ
Clean oath < Heavy WoJ
Swift oath ≥ Clean WoJ
Hard oath = Clean WoJ
Hard exiled set ≥ Strong oath
Clean exiled set = Clean oath
Forceful exiled set = Swift/hard oath (I consider forceful between bad ench and clean)
Strong mino set = Heavy WoJ/Clean oath
Hard mino set = Clean Vastira + 1 clean mino piece
Clean mino set < Clean vastira
Many thanks to @Nuclearman7 for helping making some of these not completely scuffed, that being said if you have any criticism or suggestions about this, I’m open to changing and tweaking this.