Agility rework is here

No worries; I had someone get me a conversion of studs to Elysium tiles, so I can use those as a reference.

But it won’t really matter since the box check is gonna get changed a little bit.

Based on the mechanics outlined in the post, wouldn’t the exhaustion mechanic also make your dodges lose efficiency when you use them for, you know, dodging?

Let’s also talk about the top 1 navy that is a lightning mage that SUCKS and just runs around with his agility and swimspeedd build

Remove agility

Vetex: “AO will NEVER have a PVP focused update”
this mf the next fucking week

i never seen an update so focused on PVP and ignoring PVE since deepwoken added the ping compensation


bro who even cares, the top leaderboard players are all rats and run away from every fight anyway. non-issue

lmfao have you ever heard of attack size?

attack size is barely an issue

sure it isn’t

Out of context screenshots with no stats, no version numbers, no NOTHING except the attack itself shown are not really good arguments and don’t do anything to prove your point.

Just saying.


Rework V2 is here. New thread:

Only real context I can provide is Dense weapons + around 250-300 DPH, didn’t ask the guy for his build. I’m also pretty sure they had decent health and no Drawback.

and meaning they’re slow as hell so you can just grab them

They were roughly as fast as your average Warrior. Aka quite fast.

if you think warriors are fast you haven’t seen speed

My friend has like 180 atkspeed Plasma. I know what a fast attack is. Warrior is quite fast. Not VERY fast, but fast enough.

180 atk speed is NOTHING

fr, real men run 500+ atk speed

that’s overkill

no it’s not, 750 is overkill