Agility rework is here

because we’re talking about renown/hunting. typically when somebody gets hunted and gets low, they run. of course you cant control where they go, its called strategy, plan your attack in a more favorable environment. if all you do is stalk someone through servers and try and spawnkill them in sameria ofc theyre going to run away. its better to attack them in a more advantageous terrain…

once again solved by not fighting on a big island. also would still be a thing if agility never existed

its literally in the name, hunting. if they run away then you failed to hunt them. nobody is gonna roll over and give you their renown for free; theyre going to run away if they get low or too scared to fight.

once again the game shouldnt cater to hunters because they epically fail to compete the hunt


thats less of a hunt and more of a forced poster 1v1. and why should renown hunts be based on fighting instead of chasing/surviving? All your arguements are set on the notion that renown hunts should mostly involve fighting as if it is the objective

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and this doesnt answer the question well if not at all. Yes, having high agility lets people run away alot easier but why is running away bad in the first place?

The empire point is kind of moot because its not even out yet and we don’t completely know how it will work.

no its pretty obvious that having a stat that allows you to just not be hit could be used to stay on an island forever while avoiding hits. This is just acting dumb/uninformed for the arguments sake, i dont see the point

If a stat exists that allows you to just run away without fail then all hunting becomes is whether or not you can instakill the opponent before theyve ran away from you, and at that point its not even a competitive feature just a luck based and obnoxious one

As for everything else you said, planning hunts isnt a thing, you cant control where the enemy goes. Waiting at a small island until the guy you’re hunting goes there is not interesting gameplay :skull: and it’s luck based yet again

I think you misunderstood it a bit, what I’m saying is hunts shouldnt be about who can run the fastest it should be about fending the opponent off or even beating them (running should also be an option but it shouldnt be something you can do without any effort or counterplay)

Toxic pvpers are the reason why I run agility, and I have met hunters who are most of the time, toxic af. Nobody likes toxic pvpers (80% of the PvP community), and we’re busy trying to explore and get titles.

We don’t need people like them making it impossible for us casual players.

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pretty much what ganking/hunting is, sneaking up and dealing a lot of sudden damage

planning hunts is absolutely a thing. potions for instance (SLOW GELS) can be used to prepare for a hunt and have a better chance of winning.

never do this, sailing around in a brig and looking for them is a much more efficient and smart idea.

there are so many counterplay options. i dont know what else to tell you except to cope ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯

as i’ve said earlier, the game shouldnt be balanced/catered to hunters who epically FAIL all of their hunts. skill issue. offer to fight them fair 1v1 if youre that desperate for renown/cant chase

At this point just rework the entire reputation system to not be based off of pvp in any way and have pvp be some other entirely different thing
Its very much annoying having to keep reseting reputation because I don’t want to be a target of any size. Now with these changes just :skull:

Like dont get me wrong pvp can be fun but not when the other person is using any kind of cheesy strategy,
When was the last time a bounty hunter told you to meet them outside the city if you’re not a coward?
Its all just jumping people before they even have time to react I don’t remember the last time I was in a fair fight.
If you did hypothetically do a rep rework then it wouldn’t stop you from randomly smacking John PvE over the head with your Vindicator but you wouldn’t really have a reason to start said unfair fight.

I’ve barely heard any complaints about agility. Unless I’m living under Jupiter, this is one of those “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” moments.

Also, if dashes towards enemies are the only ones that will always be full-value, this would be a pretty decent nerf to any non-rushdown play styles. If this goes through, Mage mains will probably plummet.


One day PvP will not be the only endgame.

Its kinda buried in the #agility rework discussion thing. It was the same message you also replied to. Meta said something along the lines of: This literally isn’t true LOL I’ve posted something in the private server"

Why should the victim be forced into a 1v1 anyway?

The hunter wants to hunt.

The victim doesn’t want to be hunted.

For some bizare reason, you bteam guys seem to think that the opinion/life of the hunter is worth more than the victim. Elitism (pvpism?) at it’s finest.

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I can’t take this seriously

When I read “the box,” the first thing I think of is “YOU opened it…”

First I get AO brainrot, then I get DBD infesting whatever I think of.

Idk idk idk idk i kinda like it kinda dont. Agility is a pretty important stat… i mean out of the options were being given… nah bro there has to be a more simple solution idk idk idk… its not thaaat complicated thoe. I need to see this tested… my thing is i do like the the thrill of high agility combat because of change in terain i feel like potentially u konda get stuck to one are if this change goes through.

When its all said and done the b team gave a solid try this time this is pretty creative at the very least.

Bre Vetex should seriously consider this and test it idk forsure if its the awnser were looking for but it has potential.

I thought about it and i dislike this change.