Agility rework is here

Erm actually due to Jupiter being a celestial body floating in a cosmic vacuum with no true sense of direction you would only be able to live on Jupiter or be within close proximity to it :pinching_hand::nerd_face:

i wish vetex just removed agility

seriously i dont get these people, agility rlly isnt that much of a QoL improvement unless u invest a lot in it, i never had a problem in DS nor i saw people without agility complaining about DS

but lets be honest agility is mostly used in pvp, in 1.14 it became so OP that u had to run a bit of agility just to have a chance to win, it forced u to run it, it also and still does, the guy with the most agility decides the fight, they decides who wins, if the fight ends with a winner or its a draw, u cant chase them, they can chase u

and lets be honest, this is most likely only a pvp thing, agility pve will work just as fine

Vetex’s pvp rant was about the toxic doomposters, not the pvp community as a whole, so this is totally unrelated

I can beat some good pvpers on a laptop with 1,1ghz and 8gb of ram, and your specs are not relevant in the balancing of a game, as for particle heavy magics, it’s been asked for MONTHS to reduce them but vetex has ignored it all so far

Because it serves no purpose other than running

Because the attacked is supposed to defend themselves to gain renown, you should NOT get renown if you don’t want to partake in pvp, simple as that.

okay but can you beat the cold indifference of the (v o i d) from whence the slime came?


comprehensible response analysis completed, please resume homeostasis.

This post full of dumbass who has nothing better to do
oh well im not gonna say anything because i decided i have no enemies

Too complicated, complex and just straight up ass. Why not change how pvp, renown and bounty hunting while they’re at it making changes to agility

oh my fucking god we’re going back to the stone age with this
i cant even figure out the fucking intentions of this shit
am i getting punished for not engaging in combat for the fucking dashes

this is subjective, im sure if most players had millions of renown and had the chance to run away from a losing fight they’d do it

this sounds more like an inherent renown/bounty hunting issue than anything to do with agility

lets remove defense and resistance, it makes the target too tanky, they can just tank all the damage and spawn a brig to escape. maybe we can add a stupid box check system nobody asked for that will reduce your defense by 25% if you fail it three times

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lets remove atk speed too they’re too good against incredibly slow builds. lets make it so that if you hit your enemy three times it reduces your atk speed by 25%

They should just separate agility into “agility” and “endurance running,” the former meant for mobility in a fight and the latter exclusively for running and nothing else

Not really, our viewpoint is: hunting is impossible currently because you can just run away and choose whether or not you die, which means hunting for renown becomes a very frustrating feature. If you don’t want to be hunted, keep your renown low, simple as that. This isn’t something to force pvp upon casuals it’s to prevent renown players from escaping from other renown players 100% of the time. Other changes will be pushed for to punish random killing further

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people still hunt down low renowns not to mention it gets annoying having to constantly reset your reputation every time you play the game for a bit. I get where you’re coming from, it does sound frustrating if the person you’re hunting is a bounty hunter too yet chooses to run away but the nerf to agility also negatively affects all the people trying to casually play the game but cant really fight the annoying pricks that gank them.

just invest in agility as a hunter, you know you will be chasing people so why not

Isn’t the whole point to not force people to run a specific build

ironically enough, atk speed and atk size will always be an issue and a nightmare to balance compared to agility, yet nobody advocated for them to be removed from the game like people are advocating for agility to be removed in here