Agility rework is here

the problem is that agility as a stat is FUNDAMENTALLY flawed. although it may be fun to use, it just doesn’t make sense as a stat. remember this game needs to be balanced to cater both PvP and PvE, but as a stat agility seriously needs changes.

and yeah there is a chance that players are mad their targets can just run away and escape getting hunted. but i feel like being able to evade a hunter should require more skills and technical integrity from the runner, instead of just being able to high-invest a stat and guarantee escape

Again, that’s cool and all, but the question still applies to you since you seem to think that the agility change is a good thing. Note that you responded to me responding to someone who more openly said the change was a good thing - I have already said that my saying “your change” was a mistake and you’re directly responding to the post that I made this clarification so I’m going to assume you bringing this up is a way for you to avoid actively engaging with what I’m saying. My question then is why you insist on playing this game with me instead of just not responding. I’ll probably just ignore you if your reply is to just completely avoid my comment again since I don’t like playing word games.

Surely these changes just mean that agility will not really be used anymore? You will probably only see it in the dark sea for climbing islands now. The main reason people used agility was to run, so now its kinda pointless to run on your main build

i get your frustration, but you should understand a couple of things first before.

  1. hunters are most likely toxic because it is NOT FUN to chase someone through the entirety of sameria just for a hunt. even though you may not like that they hunt you, you still need to recognize when something is simply unfair/unbalanced and is damaging towards the game.
  2. if you don’t like getting hunted, RESET YOUR RENOWN. you will get hunted 99% less if you have little to no renown. if you don’t want to be hunted, don’t partake in parts of the PvP community like renown.

neither 160 or 148 voters will ever speak for the thousands of players that play this game everyday. it would be ignorant to use this poll as a means to deduce that pve is more popular than pvp.

and you also have no right to discredit anybody’s opinion, even if their opinion is “unpopular” or they are outnumbered.

also, if you don’t want to partake in PvP, RESET YOUR RENOWN. that is the ONLY REASON why players hunt you, it’s for your renown.

how does this prove that agility is a healthy stat? even if PVE will eventually have more content, it is something that won’t be added any time soon. it’s important to consider that the PVPers are the most active part of the community, playing the game no matter the state it is in.

It was to clarify my misinterpretation of what you said previously

There was no actual questions, there was statements and rethorical questions

agility rework is alright, exhaustion system is bad

woah what the hell happened in this thread

this is nothing compared to what happened in the balancecord

You’d be surprised. Just go to any YouTube comment section, go to any server and ask around. Go to the Discord. I can guarantee you that you’ll get similar results with this survey.

Initially I was really asking the question based on curiosity - as I said in the first comment I made I have no horse in this race. I don’t care either way or the other. My actual questions were this:

  • What do you mean by “the game”? Are you referring to the lines of code, the community, or the general experience that the average person gets while playing. From my own personal thought (with the help of those more knowledgeable than me ofc) I notice that people tend to speak in abstract terms and it makes any attempt to discuss seem more like a game where you both agree to abide by certain rules than an actual exchange.

  • I mentioned some stuff about how open-world multiplayer games are both communal activities and also commodities to be consumed by its players and that people will generally attempt to treat it like both: they will want to participate in the community but also consume the content in the way that they want. I then asked why you are expecting to be met with anything other than vitriol given the fact that your opinion seems to be unpopular (that’s why I brought up the poll in the first place), and why anyone should care what you think is “good” or “important” for the game. Not me trying to be mean here - but you have to have SOME kind of reason.

My main problem is that I don’t really understand you or what you’re saying. Note that I would say the same for anyone who said “agility rework is bad because it ruins the game”, like what do they mean by that? The only difference between those two the way that I see it is that the second person can cite the aforementioned statistics and threaten a decrease in revenue for Vetex or something.

i was actually primarily talking about the change in that balancord thread

My questions are questions that can be engaged with. I used rhetorical questions as a rhetorical device here to bring my point home, but there are many ways that rhetorical questions can be answered - the same way that I can engage with what you just said even though there’s no literal question mark to be found in what I’m responding to. I’m fairly certain even you yourself don’t genuinely believe what you’re saying since I’d imagine you’ve talked to someone in real life before.

If you disagreed with the framing of my rhetorical questions in specific you could have commented on that, but I guess you’re just going to reside in the real of online debate douchery and refuse to genuinely respond to me, so I guess you have nothing to say then. Bye.

not really thats just cause of bugs or issues with the formulas


Your statement “questions” were :
-Your changes will not make the game better
-You have no logic (while speaking about something totally unrealted)
-What you say is delusional


Why has no one thought of this

What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that the box check was the BEST possible solution that there could have been.

Vetex himself actually stated that he would prefer to straight up remove agility if it didn’t make people rage over it, meaning the options were either we added the box check, or agility was removed and replaced with an entirely different stat (or all the items that use agility would be given seperate stats)

While it isnt specifically stated in the trello card, the box check mechanic will only be triggered in combat. Meaning, you will still be able to explore the map, or do dark sea, without triggering the box check mechanic.

All of the doomposting around the entire change is stupid, and the people who can’t see/wont understand how agility is fundamentally flawed currently are either in denial, or so painfully crutched with it that they refuse to accept that it MIGHT be a problem.

Tbf agility for pve is not a problem at all. It would be perfect if there was a different combat tag for pve and pvp


ngl i think that’s the best solution, folks who dont want to pvp can simply flee (assuming they dont lose half their hp in 2 seconds) and those who are only running because they’re losing a fight cant do it so easily anymore

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