Agility rework is here

gg need to reset my renown everyday

yeah ngl vetex REALLY needs to add a renown lock feature


i actually brought this idea up to meta before
it’s a controversial idea in balancord and i fail to really see why peopl don’t like it…

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because it puts you at a disadvantage and makes comebacks harder

a very small amount like 1 - 10% starting when ur 30% hp will hardly affect anything
10% less distance on dashes won’t affect dodging at all and will only be noticable if ur spam dashing in a straight line trying to escape

when you compare it to the goofy ahh exhaustion system, it’s

  • much more simple and intuitive
  • potentially much less janky (let’s be real when has check systems like this worked perfectly)
  • the exhaustion system could worsen the already horrible performance issue due to the constant checks
  • it does not punish people who choose to run immediately, (i.e. it does not force people into a fight when they don’t want to)
  • however, it still punishes people who choose to take a fight but then try to run when they end up losing

Since you guys are pretty dead beat about adding the box check, have you thought about it only applying to posters? I.e if the hunter doesnt have a poster of the person getting hunted in their inventory it wont trigger.

Would make running from rkers still possible.

just make agility a terrible stat, get rid of it, accept that runners exist, or make dashing shittier in combat.

there’s no reason for this issue to be that complicated… it’s not rocket science

remove every substat :nod:

I find it funny how, with the exception of intensity, every substat has been problematic to balance

a post rework intensity does sound problematic too lol

Good thing that rework will never be coming!

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it seems that this is just a new version of the attack speed vs attack size debate all over again

From the makers of A.Speed Vs. A.Size, we present to you…

Agility Vs. No Agility!

in wom, no substat was ever a problem because the effects at 200 agility were almost unnoticeable. So people ran power and defense and those two things pretty much countered each other

i think the best way to put it is people want to make comebacks. Like the dude who is on 100 hp winning against the guy who still has 1500 hp left is pretty hype. If it makes the comeback harder, it makes getting that hype harder as well.

logically, it’d probably work i cant say for sure but balancing isn’t done out of pure logic. People still want to have fun and get the high of winning a losing 1v1.

This is why you should never speak in PVP Post, you will always expect people to act like Karen

No one ran substats in WoM because except they all sucked except for casting speed and size, the latter was only worth using with sunken armor as opposed to a dedicated size item. Agility doesn’t really make sense to compare between WoM and AO since dashing didn’t exist back then which made agility negligible in fights. On the other hand, if you wanted to escape fights, you could just evade for 10 or so seconds and reset, so agility wasn’t worth using from a PvE perspective either.

that’s an issue of the stupid inverse exponential scaling.

if the scaling was just linear and heavily reduced, you’d need serious investment to reach the same level as now

fr??? should i run 0 agi if i want organized munera/elysium fights? i’m a shadow mage btw