Airship suggestion revival post

bruh wdym in games, it’s only roblox, roblox just sucks at handling moving object in general specially if it applies some sort of physics, and vetex is a good scripter he can some up with something

the image bellow is literally just a simple ship, it probably uses fire and wind, not as complicated as a gun, i can make stuff float with smoke since I was 5

If you want things like complex airships go to a unity project
max we would be getting is sort of a plane in older roblox games or a stationary airship

AG had like concept of flying ship, if I’m not wrong LSS did drew one of em

Can you link to the source
i’d like to see, asking for a friend

I never said i wanted a complex airship lol

It would be awesome to have airships and also bring some of that sweet aa nostalgia.

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i think as some concept art by sheep with the solstace comparison and what not verdies had a ship that could use his plasma magic as a cannon or smth and it flew which was on AR discord the image of it i’ll see if i can find it

a concept is one thing but i dont remember seeing airships in AA
and verdies ship got there because of trigno as far as i remember

It didn’t flew, Verdies Solstice is just a moving HQ. The flying ship is actually used by some Admiral named Garrel

Verdies got in the AG after we humiliate the fuck out of him in that fight

Source or is it the comic?

oh it was garrel mb then still gonna look for the image tho unless someone beats me to it

I’ll try getting the source soon after school

i think thats supposed the be the flying ship and god was the solstice huge

Yea, the Solstice is already 10 or 12 Galleons long, it’s basically Borealis but for fucking war which makes it scary as fuck

Alright, ping me when you do please

Cframe is basically just a shitty transform.translate from unity .-. wow

just go to a unity project then and make a kickstarter
why bother changing the languange?

Nevermind, Jar posted the picture

What even is your pfp .-.