AO gang headcanon anyone?

It does, especially the exploring and cooking. The sea theme itself was the ost of zelda wind waker theme

Edward in a dress… Oh how I’d love to see him in one. and sweep him in a princess style carry oml :face_with_peeking_eye::ok_hand:

Yup, it’s confirmed—you’re down bad. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Admit it and follow me to the horny jail, we already have a cell waiting for you.

clicked on this post and am completely unsurprised as to where its gone.

Already there. And bitch please, ye aint the first person to say dat. So dont give me Ideas in the first place

My brainrot on my own MC x Kenton ship is strong lol

Abigail has such strong dandere energy that her initial interactions with him would’ve been kinda awkward due to her shyness, but she’d still help him with anything (no matter how mundane or challenging it is) at any opportunity bc she genuinely desires to help anyone she thinks deserves or needs help

Meanwhile, Aisha just stands in the background preparing to kill somebody or commit some other atrocity again

Speaking of, what exactly are the GN’s standards when it comes to executing criminals? Cause she doesn’t have enough bounty to get executed in-game rn but her track record is going to keep getting worse lol (the images were from when I last checked the bounty board, her bounty and list of crimes has gone up since then)


Irrelevant addendum: Now both of them have way different outfits than their default ones lol

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Game logic:

An NPC litters and smokes in a non-smoking area and suddenly becomes regarded as the next Joseph Stalin.

A player literally wipes out an entire island and is seen as a petty bandit.

I’ve literally seen cases of an NPC doing a fourth of what I have, yet having a fame of 100k+. What the heck, game?

It can only be the trope of gameplay and story segregation (er, game logic and story logic segregation, rather) at its finest

well I made a rough height chart with my specific height headcanons using some website lol (don’t ask me why I used rectangles)

the mc always has insane fucking body strength no matter the build (how you pull up a colossal squid :sob:)


THEY DO- and they must have ridiculous endurance and other traits too

like dang bro, the fact that they managed to bridal carry Neviro (who still had his damaged armor on) so far across Ravenna right after defeating King Calvus among several other things


Fairly close to my headcanon, here’s how tall I think everyone is:

Iris: 5’0” — The group jokingly calls her short. She gets comically angry over this.

Mayor Tilly: 5’3” — Everyone thinks she’s taller because she’s always standing above them on her porch.

Prince Revon: 5’5” — Been that height since 15, used to insist he’d get taller, never did.

Kaden Ketch (MC 1): 5’6” — His untamed hair makes him look slightly taller than he actually is.

Morden: 5’7”

Elius: 5’7” — Carina constantly taunts him that she’s taller. He gets annoyed, but doesn’t act up nearly as much as Iris does when she’s referred to as short.

Amber Cinders (MC 2): 5’8” — Typically not with the gang as much as Kaden (they exist simultaneously), yet jokes about Iris’s (and sometimes Kaden’s) height more than anyone else.

Neviro: 5’9”

General Argos: 5’10”

King Calvus Caesar: 6’0” — Imposing, his crown makes him look even taller.

Lady Carina: 6’1” — Everyone knows she’s taller than Elius, but they’re always surprised to see she’s taller than Calvus.

Edward Kenton: 6’2” — I’ve never seen a single headcanon saying he’s shorter than 6’, we all seem to universally agree that this chad of a man is tall.


i wonder if the mc’s insane regeneration is reflected in the lore, cause you can come back from 1 hp in what’s probably just like an hour or smth of in universe time

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imagine how much more ridiculous it could get if a healing magic like life magic was added

I still wanna see someone make a mini comic or something about Iris getting mad about being called short :joy:

Also, idk why but I find it funny that with my height headcanons Abigail stands up to Edward’s chin in height (it doesn’t help that she’s the MC I ship with him) lol

I refuse to believe that Argos is canonically shorter than 6’ 8’’

Haven’t played in a while, I’ll go see how tall he is later when I can use my PC again.

Pretty sure most characters are a similar height in game other than that one guy at sailors lodge

Lol, someone agrees with Neviro being the tallest of our main quartet

Like, you know how tank-based characters in stories are usually depicted being really tall and well built in comparison to other characters? Yeah, I always imagined Neviro being that kind of tall. In contrast to Iris, who of course had to be the angry short girl. Her head reaches only up to Neviro’s shoulders.

Actually, it’s hard to see, but I’m pretty sure Argos’ model is way bigger than the player