AO Ideas Trello

The single use-magic

One Spell does 8.5x but your magic energy drains completely and your health takes a hit of 80% (massive cooldown, including when you spawn), horrible start-up.

Lore: some guy decided “what if we used 100% of our brainmagic” and accidentally blew himself up in a horrific explosion. Some (more smarter) people saw this, and instead used 80% of their power to make whatever the hell this is.

Maybe we will use one in a Cutscene ?

Your welcome :)

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It should take a hit of 99%

Nah, then we buff the damage to 10x and rename it to impact sacrifice magic

Ok, I’ll add it to the Trello when I get my computer back

Boss idea section when

I’m currently making an entire New Trello for them, along with a Trello for Fighting Styles Ideas and one for Weapons Ideas.

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Thorn Magic’s symbol

  • one for Rare, Lost and Ancient Spells Ideas + one for Rare, Lost and Ancient Techniques Ideas

Magnificent !

how do i make symbols

because i wanna make like phantom magic

Dunno how they do it, ask them, not me.


The Trello will now be accepting :
-Fighting Style Ideas
-Spells/Techniques Ideas
-Weapon Ideas
-NPC/Boss Ideas




I love how that looks

draw or recolor the already exist one

i can make one for you if you like ( provided that it isnt too complex )


Just draw like you usually do. You are the only one that can make what you feel is the best drawings of them. (could be good practice in drawing ghosts, take reference from weird clip art things if you want)