AO Ideas Trello

is this magik or curse




Ezia when will you add things :skull:

I come back to make dialogue and the song I imagine used


Opening encounter
“So you’re the weak wanderer that Ravenna is so scared of, hmm?”

“It’s disappointing that General Argos fell to the hands of a weakling like you. I’ll make sure your death is quick.”

Phase 2
“Nobody said we had to fight fair.”

Phase 3
“At last, someone who doesn’t disappoint! Let’s play for a little longer, wanderer.”

Phase 4
“No wonder Ravenna considers you a threat, perhaps I’ve been taking you too easily.”

Melee - I don’t think there would be dialogue for when it activates, maybe a laugh ig.

Phase 5 - ultimate attack startup
“This ends here, wanderer!”

Phase 5 - full vanish
“I will not lose to you, this is my game!”

“Forgive me Ravenna, I have failed!”

Music or smth lmaoo

Music for phases and time stamps for them

Phase 1: 2:04
Phase 2: 4:19
Phase 3 and 4: 4:47
Melee: 7:02
Phase 5: 8:40

does @anon82052662 even check this anymore

He better.

I really hope he does

I was punished for the last 2 days …


My parents still haven’t understood that making children copy hundreds of times the sma ephrase won’t make them learn anything …

Where is the Silent Death

Hum … it seems the trello didn’t save


Only lost some recent ones, doesn’t really matter


Well since Rare, Lost, and ancient magic spell scrolls have been confirmed, here would be some possible magic spells

Rare Spell: Magic Shield

Magic shield is a spell that stops the user in place and creates a wall of magic that dissolves magic and most projectiles from hitting the player
However, this is not all-powerful, as it drains mana and has a damage cap depending on your magic level. After taking too many hits the shield will shatter, making it unusable for around 10-20 seconds (NOTE: even if you stop using the spell, it will still save the damage done to it when you use the spell again to prevent just cheesing damage)

Lost Spell: Reflector

Similarly to Magic Shield, Reflector creates a wall of magic that prevents projectiles and magic from hitting the user. The difference is that in this case, every projectile that touches the reflector will be sent back in the form of the user’s magic as either a blast or beam.
Whether a blast or beam is reflected depends on the speed and damage of the attack, the higher damage and faster the attack is, the more likely a beam will be sent out, and the slower and weaker the attack is, the more likely a blast will be sent out.
If the reflector takes too much damage in one hit or takes over 20+ hits, it will shatter similarly to Magic Shield and becomes unusable for 18 seconds.

Ancient Spell: Magic Armor

Magic Armor is a somewhat unique spell. Whenever it is casted an armor that represents the magic of the user will be donned on the user, lowering incoming damage and completely negating much weaker spells. Certain magics may have different stats (I.E: wind may give a jump and speed boost but provide lower defense, while earth/ metal give lower speed but higher defense and durability).
Magic armor looses durability every hit the user takes, the default durability is usually around 30-40 hits. When the armor becomes broken, there will be a small indicator shown by the armor beginning the glow and cracks starting to form and then a large explosion of the user’s magic will happen, dealing damage to anyone nearby

Rare Spell: Magic Orbs

The user creates several orbs of magic in midair. These orbs will absorb energy by acting as objects that negate magic (like rocks and trees). If enough damage is dealt then they will meet a quota. a few seconds after reaching this quota they will either explode shoots beams/ blasts, or come back to the player, restoring their mana/ stamina

Rare Spell: Counter

This is a combat-based spell. It works as a counter, the user can cast it even while they are moving. As soon as the spell is cast the user will jump out of the way and get I-frames, then the spell will create an illusion created out of magic that looks like the user for a second. If this illusion is hit, a beam of magic will be sent to the attacker.

Ancient Spell: Last Wish

Mana body is hard magic to use. When the user dies, they have a small frame of time to cast this spell. If casted successfully, the user will be encompassed by their magic and temporarily be revived for a few seconds (depends on magic level). The user is unkillable/ undamageable during this timeframe and also deals WAY more damage. If the user manages to get a kill (or deal enough damage when fighting a boss) during this time period, they user will be bought back to 5% of their original HP and live.
This is hard to cast for three reasons
1: The time frame is low (around 1 second) so you need a pretty good reaction time to cast it
2: 90% of the user’s mana, no matter how much they have is required to cast it
3: This spell has a cooldown of around 10 minutes (resets if the user dies), making it something you really only use once during battle

Lost Spell: Kamikaze

The user uses their lifeforce and mana to cast a massive explosion, dealing great scores of damage. Kamikaze takes up around 95% of the user’s mana and deals 80% of the user’s original HP, making it only viable in situations where you have to take down a great deal of weak enemies or are truly desperate.

Lost Spell: Last Resort

Last Resort is a spell only meant to be used when the user is truly on their last legs. When casted it will fire a massive blast of magic towards one location, at the cost of draining all the user’s Mana, Stamina, and leaving the user at 1% HP. This spell can only be activated when the user is under 20% HP. After activation the user cannot use magic for 10 seconds, is slowed down, can’t use weapons/ fighting styles for 8 seconds, can’t high jump, can’t dodge, and also has their stamina, life, and mana regen lowered for 20 seconds.

Lost spell: Magic Circle

Magic circle is somewhat complex to cast. When casted Magic circle will create a starting point and give the user a trail that only they can see (opponent can see the starting point as an indicator though). The user can create a circle with this trail by running around; when the circle is created (the user returns to the starting point), the spell will be cast and anything in the circle will take damage. The larger the circle is the less damage that is dealt and the more mana that is drained.

Rare Spell: Magic Cloak

Magic Cloak is pretty straightforward. Upon casting it the user will be cloaked with magic that makes the user more transparent/ harder to see. The higher the magic level is, the more transparent they become. This cloak has a rather high cooldown and lasts for around 6-8 seconds. This can also cause NPC’s to get confused. Having the cloak on also lowers most magic-related stats

Rare Spell: Indirect Lasers

Indirect Lasers are combative magic. The user creates several magic circles that vertically orbit around the user. 2 seconds after casting, the magic circles will shoot out small individual lasers that move straight and eventually close in the area they are circling.

Lost Spell: Mana Jail

The user creates a dome around themself. Anything in the dome is basically stuck there. If they try to leave a great deal of damage will be dealt to them rapidly effectively closing them in. The smaller the dome is, the more mana requires to use it and the less exit damage that is dealt.
Projectiles can still pass through the dome.


I’ll try and re-start uptading it tommorow, if you idea isn’t on it yet you must re-post it, and you can know suggest Ideas like features or Islands, anything basically. DO NOT FLOOD THIS WITH TROLL/LOW EFFORT SUGGESTIONS

Enzo hollow boss @anon82052662

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Dont need to @ me this is my topic, I always get pinged