AO Ideas Trello

Oh yea lol I forgot about that


Here is my re-post:

Honestly I might change the first name so it isn’t so close to Ezia

His name is now “Enzo Hollow”

Just go through and change every instance of Ezio for most of it ig

I can’t rn as I’m in my band class currently

Frost Fist: Base

Base Fighting Style

A fighting style where the user slows their body enough to where their body temperature is ice cold, it utilises attacks with all of their limbs, striking multiple times towards the opponent’s arms and stomach in an attempt to stop them from fighting back, before retreating. This fighting style uses stealth and hit-and-run tactics to make up for the lack of movement speed. (In short, this fighting style uses quick bursts of energy instead of constant attack)

Effects: Slows down an opponent on hits, and has a chance to apply freezing.

Frost Fist: Snowflake Form

Lost Fighting Style.

A variant of Frost Fist that sacrifices defence for constant bursts of energy.
Users of this form have mastered the ability to lower their body temperature quickly, as they can’t afford to stop and defend. This fighting style utilises speedy attacks and even quicker retreats, constantly pressuring the opponent with speed.

Effects: Users of this style take more damage from other fighting styles. Slows down opponents on hits, and has an increased chance to apply freezing compared to the base version. Users of this style also jump and high jump higher.

Frost Fist: Iceberg Form

Lost Fighting Style

A fighting style that utilises the defensive aspects of frost fist, attacking slower but keeping a constant defence up, users of this style have mastered the ability to lower their body temperature under pressure.

Effects: Takes greatly reduced damage from other fighting styles. Slows opponents on hits and has a reduced chance to apply freezing compared the base version.

In a few hours, I’ll put all of these on the Trello

Still going eh?

I stoped for a while, but I want ALL YOUR IDEAS

They are my life force


Imma try making an idea for a phoenix curse user in my spare time

Probably reposts but I have my best ideas in bed:

rare lost ancient spe!ls

Pulse Beam - constant beam that can be moved around, albeit slowly. ATTRIBUTES: duration, size, explosion size

Energy Release - Takes an amount of your energy and releases it, filling the area with pure energy and increases your passive energy Regen rate. ATTRIBUTES: Energy rate, duration

Pulse wave - A push of energy into the ground, releasing a shockwave and instantly destroying things around the caster. ATTRIBUTES: size, shape, angle

Mirror - creates a solid form of the magic that reflects projectiles if timed correctly. ATTRIBUTES: size (affects duration)

Fury rush - coats the caster with energy and rockets forward, crashing through things. ATTRIBUTES: speed, size, explosion size

Enhanced aura - and aura that is not yet a transformation. Enhances the user traits more than auras, and the magic interacts with surroundings. ATTRIBUTES duration, type, aura size

Infusion - a grab attack similar to cheap shot where the caster overloads the target with energy and deals heavy damage to them.

Omae wa mou, shindeiru - the classic teleports behind them move. Just teleports you (real name is transmission) ATTRIBUTES: distance, explosion size

mink v4 - speed ATTRIBUTES: speed (joke)

Singularity - user charges and compresses energy to a singularity, then focuses it In a line that deals incredible damage and makes a huge explosion on hit. ATTRIBUTES: focus length (damage), explosion

Overload - injects magic into the ground and causes it to inflict the magics status effect ATTRIBUTES: duration, area

Flash - releases a short but powerful explosion that Ragdolls and knocks away players. ATTRIBUTES: knockback, size

Instant wall - similar to a mine, one time use placeable spell that activates when a projectile is nearby

Delayed area - summons magic circle in random locations around the user that explodes. ATTRIBUTES: density, size

Piercing beam - useful for multiple enemies at low levelss, explodes each time it passes through an enemy ATTRIBUTES: size, explosion size

cluster bomb - many projectiles with an arc appear from a magic circle, exploding when hit. ATTRIBUTES amount, size, explosion size

Instant zone - huge area coverage, low damage, low cool down, good for inflicting statuses ATTRIBUTES: size

counter - shockwaves in and absorbs all attacks in the time held, then converting the damage taken to energy and releases it in an explosion. ATTRIBUTES damage multiplier (also affects size)

engulf - slowly expands a whirlwind of magic that consumes everything in it’s path and deals heavy dot ATTRIBUTES duration, max size

explosive dash - dashes towards cursor and makes explosion ATTRIBUTES speed,explosion size

ok that’s it for now


Litteraly a multi-beam

Very different brp

Firstly I need their tiers, secondly when you’re online I’ll give you perms on the board for a bit of time, ain’t goign to take 1 hour to add these :skull:

Added all the new/reposted ideas, except Maple’s ridiculous list since I’m lazy

I’ve had my eclipse flare idea for a while but I’d want the stats of other ancients, specifically equinox and the grand fires to figure the stats out.

Rn in the ideas Lost and Ancient have the same stats as Base until we know how much more powerful they will be