AO Ideas Trello

I still need to make a spell, technique, and a weapon.

I will do it at some point Ezia dont kill me

Here we go again

Boss: Ace Grey, Mage of Duality

Description: A boss fought at the end of the “From Beyond” side questline, involving the investigation of strange people with powerful magic. He wears black mage robes with white lining. Above this, he wears a large, black, hooded cloak with sleeves and white lining. At his waist, under the cloak, is a book and a… handle of a weapon?

Build: Savant with a particular focus on magic and less focus on vitality.
Magics: Polychromatism, Arcane Magic
Weapon: Chromatic Convergence (basically the swiss army knife of arcanium weapons and a combination of his weapon boss drops). It is the weapon handle at Ace’s side.
Fighting Style: Radius

Opening Scene
“A calm sea and sky… defiled with chaos and magic. Never thought that I would see something like that. Magic certainly acts in strange but similar ways in this world…”
“So, you’ve arrived at this large island in the centre of these seas. I’ve heard of you from my friends; some of them you fought while some you simply found… all the way up to me…”
“But I do have to ask, what do you seek with us? Do you find us evil or good? Although, we’ve done little for or against this world so you shouldn’t have a definite answer.”
“… I guess I should reward you for coming this far… and why not with a duel? A test to see if you’re ready for these strange, dark forces I feel in the air. Talk to me again and we’ll head to the arena in the middle of this island to fight.”
Upon second interaction: “Let’s begin.” [Interacting with him while in a party allows all members to fight Ace Grey, but he scales accordingly.]

He alternates between two subphases within each phase:

  • Passive Subphase: He blocks more often (including perfect blocks) but dashes less. During this phase, he often uses his bow and magic at a distance and plays passively. Although, if you engage in close-range attacks, he uses one or two swords to attack.
  • Aggressive Subphase: He uses dashes more often but rarely blocks (never perfect blocks). He also attacks with claws, one/two swords, magic, normal fist and radius fist. He plays close-range but has ranged attacks if necessary.

Phase 1: starts at 100% hp.

  • Attacks like a normal player including dodges and high jumps.
  • He only uses normal attacks (no lost spells/techniques) and arcane magic.
  • Passive subphase attacks: all normal magic abilities except aura and ultimate art, all bow skills (including basic attack) and some singular/dual sword skills (including basic attack).
  • Aggressive subphase attacks: all normal magic spells (particularly explosion and dash) except aura and ultimate art, all singular/dual sword skills (including basic attack), all claw skills, radius fist techniques (including basic attack).

Phase 2: starts at 70% hp.

  • Indicated by a pulse of rainbow particles.
  • Chat Indicator: “Let’s take this further!”
  • Constantly in passive subphase.
  • Now uses polychromatism magic instead of arcane magic.
  • Uses swords more often and has access to every one of its skills (including basic attack) instead of only a few like in Phase 1.
  • Has access to lost spells and different abilities including arc sphere, shaped blasts, orbiters and barrage.
  • Starts using magic-weapon imbuement, which means there is a chance that his weapon attacks have a glowing trail effect and inflicts the same effects as polychromatism.
  • Starts using String of Obsidian’s ricochet arrows skill.

Phase 3: starts at 50% hp.

  • Indicated by a pulse of white energy.
  • Chat indicator: “My Turn.
  • Constantly in aggressive subphase.
  • Uses arcane magic instead of polychromatism and no polychromatic imbuement.
  • Has access to lost spells such as strong blast, transformation, dragon’s fist and recoil jump.
  • Has access to lost techniques as well (can’t think of any :/).
  • Uses swords much less often.
  • Imbues arcane magic on fighting style and weapons, giving them white energy effects and increased damage on some attacks.

Phase 4: starts at 30% hp.

  • You’ve come far… but now it’s time to see your true capabilities!”
  • Indicated by a long spell incantation (immune to damage during it) and then a massive spell cast. This spell is area control, and covers the entire arena, allowing Ace to cast spells without magic circles (still has some warning, especially for any potential cheap shots). The sky also turns black with colourful stars.
  • His passive-aggressive subphase pattern returns, but passive has polychromatism, and Ace Grey has access to all the abilities in phases 2 and 3 in their respective subphases.
  • He can sometimes warp across the arena after exiting aggressive subphase and use spells such as polychromatism summon elemental and lines of explosion spells.
  • He can sometimes warp towards a random player and then cast arcane multi-point magic circle: annihilate a short amount of time after exiting passive subphase.
  • Rarely during passive subphase, Ace charges a single blast spell with a multi-coloured magic circle. This is called trichromatism and it inflicts three random debuffs at once, while doing high damage. Very predictive.
  • Rarely during aggressive subphase, Ace charges an arcane breath spell attack that acts as a constant beam of damage.

After defeat, he warps back to the middle of the arena and the sky returns to normal. Both the player and Ace return to the point they talked at before the battle.

Ending Scene
“Wow. That was tough… Congratulations on winning!”
“I could’ve used a lot more of my arsenal, but I thought you were already having a tough time.”
“I’ll be off to find my friends (and hopefully a way for us to get home) … oh, and take this chest. It might contain a gift from me. (What was in there again?) Thank you for the fight, and I’ll see you around, [file name].”
Ace Grey disappears, and a chest is left where he was. He can reappear after a small amount of time somewhere else on the island (for repeat fights).

Since this boss is neutrally renowned, the renown gained from him is neutral as well.
Potential chest drops:

  • (Rare) The Starless Sky (arcanium sword)
  • (Rare) String of Obsidian (arcanium bow)
  • (Rare) Archdragon’s Cloak
  • (Rare) Random lost spell/technique scroll that Ace Grey used in the fight.
  • (Uncommon) The Six Peacekeepers (lore book) [Describes the five mages you found throughout the questline and one more. Although, the descriptions for two of the mages seem to match Ace Grey. Strange…]
  • (Very Rare) Arcane lost magic scroll
  • (Very Rare) Polychromatism lost magic scroll
  • Chest also contains loot equivalent to a gold chest (excluding rare items if a rare boss drop is given).
Spell: Dragon's Fist

Spell Type: Lost
Description: “Infuses magic into the user’s fist and then dashes forward with a powerful punch that inflicts knockback.” (It is something between Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist and Strong Left.)
Changeable Stats: Power (50-100%, increases energy cost + damage + startup time), Speed (20%-100%, increases speed and length of dash, decreases damage), Size (20-100%, increases size, decreases damage).
Requires magic and strength levels to use.

Spell: Orbiters

Spell Type: Lost
Description: Creates 3-7 magic orbiting orbs around the user. These orbs launch themselves at the cursor after some time or launch during the next spell the user does, regardless of magic type. User is in stunlock for the duration of both spells. If the user is hit while having orbiters around them, they explode doing some damage to the user and others nearby.
Changeable Stats: Size (0-100%, increases size, decreases damage), Amount (1-7, decreases damage, increases energy cost + number of projectiles).

Spell: Multi-Point Magic Circle: Annihilate

Spell Type: Lost
Description: Creates 3-7 markers in a circle above the cursor’s location when activated. When used again, these markers fall and form a powerful magic circle that explodes in a pillar of magic quickly afterwards. More markers mean more damage and energy cost (which is taken when the markers are placed). It also has a prefix that changes depending on the number of markers used, e.g., “Five-Point Magic Circle: Great Pillar”.
Changeable Stats: Amount (3-7, increases damage + amount of markers + energy cost), Size (20-100%, increases size, decreases damage).

Spell: Area Control

Spell Type: Ancient
Description: The user creates a magic circle on the ground around the cursor’s location. Has a large startup and drains magic energy while active. This magic circle persists for 30-60 seconds or until uncasted/the user runs out of energy. There are also particles of your magic radiating above the circle. Any spell cast while the user is above (or below) the magic circle does not have magic circle and are cast much faster, similarly to a curse user. Originally, this is limited to only the magic type it was cast with, but higher tiers can allow other types of magic to receive these effects, albeit weaker at first. If a party member’s magic suits the criteria, it can also receive halved buffs from the magic circle.
Changeable Stats: Size (20-100%, increases size + energy drain), Persistence (50-100%, increases duration, decreases casting speed boost).

Weapon: The Starless Sky

Rarity: Exotic
Description: “Fine-tuned arcanium sword(s?) of a strange craft. Its power seems neutrally aligned to magic. Its sides have symbols similar to a magic circle’s.”
Weapon Type: Arcanium sword/arcanium dual swords
Features: black sword that has glowing symbols (colour is the magic it is bound to) along it.
Unique Weapon Skill: Switch

  • Allows the sword to split into two one-handed swords or the swords to fuse into a one-handed sword. This also allows the user to use both singular and dual sword skills.
    Dropped by Ace Grey, Mage of Duality.
Weapon: String of Obsidian

Rarity: Exotic
Decription: “A fine-tuned arcanium bow of a strange craft. Its power seems neutrally aligned to magic. Its faint energy seems to redirect its arrows towards its target.”
Weapon Type: Bow
Features: black bow with glowing markings and string (colour is the magic it is bound to).
Unique weapon skill: Ricochet Arrows

  • Launches 1-3 (changeable) magic arrows that bounce randomly on air until they reach their target and explode. Their curved and unpredictable path avoids clashes more easily.
  • Changeable Stats: Amount (1-3, increases number of projectiles, decreases damage), Size (20-100%, increases size, decreases damage).
    Dropped by Ace Grey, Mage of Duality.
Accessory: Archdragon's Cloak

Rarity: Legendary
Item Type: Accessory
Description: “A cloak infused with the essence of a powerful dragon. Whether or not this ‘dragon’ was its original owner is unclear. Regardless, it is a gift to you to use now.”
Features: large, black cloak with a hood, sleeves and a white lining around the front and ends of the sleeve.
Stat Distribution: Increases power and intensity by a lot, along with giving some defense.
Dropped by Ace Grey, Mage of Duality.

Tell me if I missed anything

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I’ll add this when I get back home

Isn’t there a way to change a Trello’s name ?

MLG magic
type: energy
power: get rekt skrub
speed: gotta go fast

Wtf ?

360 noscope ooohohohohohooo mom get the fucking camera ooohhohohh fuck her in da puzzy ooohoohhhhh get outta my fucking swamp oooohhohoohh

I kill you with my swords.

nah bruv I’m too epik I have dorito armor

Ima firing mah lazar

… Well then. Guess you wish to fight my wrath.

If he continues, I will ping a mod, I like messing around but I would like this topic to stay Sandal-free

Finished adding these

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mlg magic winning tho

fite me

No I don’t think I will

I added new list to the Trello, it will now be accepting :

Accepted idea types
  • Rare, Lost and Ancient Spells
  • Rare, Lost and Ancient Techniques
  • Base Magic variations
  • Lost and Ancient Magics
  • Curses
  • Base and Lost Fighting styles, and their upgrades
  • Weapons
  • NPCs and Bosses
  • Islands
  • Features
  • Accesories
  • Armor
  • Leggings
  • Titles

So basically anything, if it’s serious.


just can’t destroy an mlg gamer god stronger than goku

Dragons far surpass gamers.

radiation is a serious idea for me

Sandal, stop or I will ping a mod