AO Shower Thoughts

It’s technically available to every build, just at different parts of the game

from 3rd sea to endgame is quite a big gap don’t you think?

Y’all’re havin’ quite the heated shower discussion.

If the water isn’t scalding hot then it ain’t a good shower


WRONG. Any showers without moderate temps feel like lava rain.

And what if I like the feeling of lava rain?

I’m going to get shower thoughts about these shower thoughts fr

If those arcanium strength weapons are actually gonna be a thing then Savants will probably have to give up getting a lost magic/fs/weapon equivalent in order to use them to their full potential.

Ymm actually Im explosion mage irl. Just gotta overload capacitator

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You know, this thread has an additional use I just thought of. It tells me who on the forum actually showers.

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I thought shower was when you thought???

Does having certain magics give you more knowledge of that element? Seeing as nuclear is a synonym option for explosion, it would seem to be the case. Since the term nuclear wasn’t used in the context of explosives or energy until 1912. Plasma has a similar problem having not been discovered as a substance until at least 20 years after the events of AO (and I realize that the AO timeline is technically 100 or so years behind us, but if anything that’s just more evidence.)

Overall I see a few solutions. One the world was much more advanced than we gave it credit for during the Golden Age of Magic. Unlikely as we know technology stagnated after magic’s inception. Two having magic gives innate knowledge of one’s element. Possible, but explosion is never explicitly stated to be radioactive (unlike some lost magics such as sun) so I’m a bit more shaky on that being true, though it would make the whole minds and magics thing a bit more thematic. Third and finally, it was Prometheus who gave this knowledge to humanity. A bit of a boring answer but makes sense in lore, not much use giving people magic that controls aspects of reality if they have no clue what those aspects are.

I know this a bit too ramblely and researches to be a shower thought, but am I writing this at like 9:46 after taking melatonin at 7 something, so trust me it’s still fairly deranged. Overall I like this theory, personally I believe in the innate knowledge thing just because it makes sense if the magic comes from and altera your mind in some way, but I’m eager to hear what you all think… When I wake up tomorrow.


i feel like the names arent actually what they are in the lore (spell names are for gameplay) and the AO characters prob dont speak english

So I might agree, if not for the existence of Iris and her spell names. Which make reference to solar flares which wouldn’t be discovered for another five years in our timeline. Also considering Flare is a lost magic, meaning it was made during the golden age, those ancient people would have known about solar flares millennia before we did. I’m not sure if this helps or hinders the innate knowledge theory, but it’s interesting.

Also about the English thing, even if the characters don’t speak English. They’re still speaking a language which was translated into English. Meaning that whatever the spell names are, translate to the ones we see in game. Which means they at least have words analogous to nuclear and plasma ECT.


you’d think that having access to magic would allow you to science a bit faster than without
And maybe they were looking at nature for magic variants during the golden age, which is why they would try to progress observation technologies more compared to something like transportation

yea, having access to glass magic and being able to make whatever lenses you want for a telescope sounds useful for this

I actually have a glass user who makes his glasses using his magic.

If people dispose of their organic waste (which they probably don’t but still) in the ocean could we find magically irradiated food and stuff? How about sewage? Could bacteria become irradiated?

Could you socket jewels made of crystal magic :thinking: