AO Shower Thoughts

good point
il investigate further

i think it says in arcane chronicles that promethius overthrew zeus

where does all the materials from magic attacks go

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They fade away, they were never real to begin with, just constructs of your magic energy

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Don’t worry its in Phoenix’s arch in the vimir sea

how powerful IS ruby rodger… like we all know he is the most powerful person in AO but what is his level…


how do people get clean water? how come that the MC doesnt need an drop for months?

the light sea

humans go from atlanteans to aetherians

they don’t attack and basically have their own civilizations you can visit.

Better question: is Jesus canon?

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point distribution is a game only thing

Exactly bro
The canal at Palo is litterly dumping some of the only fresh water we ever see into the literal ocean
Mayor Tilley needs to fix that bs

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by point distribution I mean what we / calvus decide to gain more experience with

where the hell does my money go at the jewelcrafting tables

he needed to get more powerful first
i assume he just kept it a secret until he got enough power

Warren outright telling the player non-canon information about awakenings, is probably one of if not the worst thing Vetex has done when it comes to lore.

We’ve already come to a scientifically sound answer on that one.

Abrahamic religions aren’t too out of the question, which brings up the uncomfortable question of if Revenna cruxified Jesus and if Jesus is a curse user.


Lazarus curse is owned by Freedrock or that would be the obvious option xD

why the shoreline stuffs turn into a glass when i put it in a cauldron, or did i make the liquid that i made from metal scrap drinkable?
why pinecone also become a glass but explode or did it make the liquid explode?
is this the result of magic pollution?