AO Shower Thoughts

whent from shower thoughts to dissusion about arcane jesus being real


Off to make a Catholic Clan /hj

if there’s aliens that exist in this universe, do they have their own forms of magic not on earth and vice versa?


It would be like convergent evolution where aliens would have very similar spells and magic, but different ways to cast and use them. Granted they would have never been gifted it.

The closest thing we have to Jesus in Arcane Odyssey is Trigno.

He walked on water, we met him at a desert island, and his rival is the “Crimson Demon”.

trigno drove out demons (from the 3rd sea fr)

even better, what about flare egg

Atlanteans can’t reproduce directly because they’re the result of humans staying in the Dark Sea for too long, but we don’t know how Sirens came to be, so the Siren Egg may possibly be canon.

There’s probably a reproduction method they have in Greek mythology that I don’t know about, though.


i just realized that if the sunken egg was canon (which it probably isn’t), that would mean a bunch of ancient arcanium was used for shits and giggles instead of weapons or armor


who wouldn’t use arcanium to make an egg shaped lantern that uses magic as fuel?
they would’ve probably also used it in stuff like stoves for bakers who use heat magics

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Magic energy comes from chaos energy, which exists all across the universe, so, in theory, yes.

Zeus probably has a bunch of children everywhere. Even better, there’s a chance they have special powers like curses. Or dead.

Do variants have curses? I doubt so and their creation is purely God-made, but at the same time I think Gold is different enough to warrent it’s own curse. It would be the coolest too.

This is honestly just cope

I kinda just figured that a curse could be any variant, like there’s only one metal curse but if someone absorbs it they have a random chance of getting any variant, so its always the same powers but it could always be any of the variants.

I thought they could just choose the variant anytime like the lightning curse user is bored of blue, so he changes to purple instead

I think Vetex said no

how does jellyfish flesh turn into cauldrons if brewed into a potion? wouldn’t it make more sense if it was a weaker version of gels? do all jellyfish have the cauldron curse or something?

The way I see it, the jellyfish flesh screws with the potion liquid’s molecules in a way that makes the liquid expand enough to fill two cauldrons (since you get two potions per brew).

the other 2 cauldrons just appear out of thin air

air has to have some magic in it ofc
so the cauldron pedestal thingy just says like ‘hey, we need more cauldrons’ and then they just appear

Same could be said for plates appearing out of nowhere after making a meal