AO Shower Thoughts


like chicken

birds do that all the time, they don’t need a mate to lay an egg

how do people make eggs in ao…

magic irradiation messed up reproduction

where do you get the water to make soup while cooking

In the boss fight against General Agros, his eyes are glowing red. In the cutscene after defeating him, his eyes appear to be blue. Does this mean using a devourer gives insanity?

It means you have stage 4 cancer

heretics sutra

why does rubica has an infinite water thing?
the same with palo town

ever heard of this concept called fresh water springs?

i did

finally, someone realize what i realize the moment i saw the flare egg

So like

with lost magic scaling most likely being super wacky and only mages/hybrids will get access to them while savants don’t get anything until the final levels

how bad/eh/good is savant gonna be near the end of AO

This image should sum up what it’s like to be a savant

savant might get lost magics due to AO scaling being changed actually

so we might not be losing

wdym changed

apparently, a long time ago, back when the max lvl was around 1k, savants may have not been able to get lost magics until way later

but due to the changes in max lvl, savant might get lucky

ask @Dreamkeeper about it they know better than me fr

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The max level may of change, but vetex could’ve kept the requirements all the same

silence savant denier

Slashing searing striking gale!