AO Shower Thoughts

Maybe I should consider becoming the forum’s Savant rambler fr

There’s no bloody way in hell would the idea of giving Savants and Hybrids something pure builds got 2-3 years prior is even remotely acceptable bruh

Savant’s 50% cap is bogging it down already. no one wants to wait until the bloody end of the story to use Flare Blast :sob:

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savants finally unlocking the lowest requirement lost magic at the very end seems rather silly

and I’m sure that if that did happen, community uproar could very well fix that.

(I don’t think anyone in their right mind thinks savants not owning any upgrades to their magics/fighting styles is a good idea)

Okay but


what if you’re allergic to cats :smirk_cat:

I’m not

quite literally if the old requirement is kept the same Savant won’t get any actual upgrade from end of Nimbus to the end of the 6th Sea

then I use my cool magical powers to make you moderately allergic to cats :lightning_magic_var1:

(your eyes get puffy and stuff and your nose is runny)


We all know that the idea of giving Hybrids Ancient magic is scrapped (betex stopped being concept man) so all savants should rejoice on that lower-requirement copium fr

If hybrids have to sacrifice access to ancient magics and evolved lost fs then it only makes sense for tribrids to sacrifice something of equal or greater value


I’m sorry but what the fuck

Savant are literally trading away size, clash power, rare spells/techniques/skills for versatility and you want to lock its strength - build diversity - behind the fucking max level cap?


If you look at this progression chart for builds and you think it’s fine then I’m afraid you’re a lost cause. The Savant Union will not stand for this


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it’s pretty normal because you’re the fucking jack of all trades class. We don’t know what ANY build will get in the four seas you seem to complain about except for lost magic

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sounds good to me

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that’s because this whole discussion is based around the listed features in the trello lol?

and that’s why this entire discussion is fucking stupid. because we DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’LL ACTUALLY GET.

DId you even scrolled up for the full context of this whole discussion :person_facepalming:

we’re literally debating about the fact that Lost stuffs for savant is locked behind the 600 max lvl cap with the currently planned requirement on the trello, not some fancy bs getting cooked up later

yes, and I’m saying it’s perfectly fine that the jack of all trades class takes much longer to get pure build stuff

you seem to have failed to realize that Lost stuff is planned to be available to every build, and locking it behind the fucking MAX LVL CAP is a no no idea