AO Trivia (Again)

Back to this because I don’t know what else to do besides more NPC stories.
I could also update the other informational docs about NPCs and structures but those tire me out easily.

  • If you break a castaway’s raft, they will die and their body will resurface after a few seconds.
  • If you see an empty castaway raft, there’s a good chance it hasn’t loaded in yet. Wait a short while and they should appear, if not then they’ve been saved already.
  • Hitting a castaway while having positive rep will usually fling them off the platform. They won’t die, but they’ll be stuck on the seafloor.
  • Sealed chests float when released, making it a good idea to release your sealed chests that you find in underwater structures to save time.
  • You can battle unloaded deckhands, but if they kill you or an NPC, it won’t say that they killed the target, but rather “(Name) was defeated”.
  • Deckhands use the same outfit themes as bounties and heroes. It’s why they change their appearance across servers but retain their color and outfit themes.
  • Only one rival can be active at a time in any given server.
  • The lowest deckhand lv is 20. This means the cheapest deckhand has a reputation requirement of 20k, whereas the cheapest legendary is 200k.
  • You can’t kill unloaded deckhands (needs confirmation, but is likely)
  • As of the new Palo update, Palo and Rubica have the most deckhand spawns (6 at Rubica, a similar number at Palo)
  • A bounty or hero NPC can spawn at one of the pillars at Cassia Bay. The pillar also contains 4 chest spawns.
  • Blasted Rock charts seem rather uncommon. Perhaps it isn’t comprised of that many parts compared to something like Windrow or Cernunno?
  • The Harvest Island waterfall contains two chest spots behind the waterfall, one being the secret at the bottom and the other at the top.
  • Harvest Island spawns 12 pumpkins whereas Louis Nebula’s farm gives 11 sky pumpkins.
  • NPCs seem to follow the player restrictions of only being able to equip up to 3 accessories at any given time.
  • Alpha, the Windrow Bandit miniboss, drops the same armor as a regular Windrow bandit. However, his name, like Shura’s and Iris’, will appear on the list of positive deeds, if you manage to kill him. I don’t know if it applies to criminal players, but Revon’s name will appear there.
  • It is possible for a bounty to be lv 161 when they are in jail, but it reverts to 160 after they are freed.
  • While Ravenna Centurions/Legionnaires have many possible names, there is only a small number that is common to see (around 15 or so names, many being civilian names) while the rest are a bit more uncommon to find.
  • The “Save 3 castaways” quest from Rasna gives 300 rep, the same as saving any individual castaway.
  • Killing ship NPCs now causes them to instantly despawn. However, if you’re lagging a lot, their bodies will just fall over for a second or two before despawning.
  • You can spare any 2 NPCs on a ship and still get the loot. This means you can take out the crew and leave the captain/quartermaster, or kill them and most of the crew, leaving 2 crew NPCs behind.
  • Sometimes the stationary soldiers at Ravenna fail to teleport back to their original spawn after de-aggroing, leaving them stuck in odd places such as in the ocean.
  • It is possible for underwater structures to spawn behind the Pelion Rift.
  • For some reason the “hunter nearby” combat log applies to the open bronze sea too, not just across an island.
  • Navy ships can accidentally ram you even if you are a good rep player.
  • If you sink a ship that is damaged by crashing into objects, you still won’t get sealed chests if the ship was at low hp when you sank it.
  • If you open a chest in an underwater structure you have not yet charted via sea chart, it will appear on your map.
  • Your inventory can sometimes bug when opening it and have to slowly load in all your items again. This can apply to shop menus, trades, or just opening your inventory normally.

In my experience they despawn fairly quickly when you do this, I stopped doing it a while ago since I’d often lose the chests if it as a deep spot

This has been pretty annoying, experienced it a lot for the past couple days

It’s best to release the chest then swim to the surface, because holding the chest means you can’t use mobility moves to help you get back up faster.

I hate the inventory loading bug because I have way too many items, so it takes forever to load down to the item I want to select or trade away.

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