AO's early access features

To be honest, now I think about it I feel like WoM during that time was heavily over-rated

Well shit you win

bro i wasn’t even trying to win I was just repeating what vetex said and mfs were acting like i was crazy :joy:

man i never bothered to read the whole arguement

goofy ah hell

if you wanted a shit and unfinished game like wom, yes


no they arent


so dark sea won’t be content that’s accessible upon release?

no he’s saying that content such as dark sea and other stuff are for early access

oh so it IS in the game?

it is going to be in the game on release and early access

does this mean I can hypothetically rowboat my ass to the dark sea the minute morden gives me one?

going off topic but yea, though you’d instanltly die cause its higher level content plus the rowboat doesn’t have enough stablity to not take damage in the dark sea


theres acid around redwake at the start of the game, but idk about dawn island

if you cant do it when morden gives you the boat, you can do it after the redwake story

wait why I never heard of this

you aint lookin around hard enough smhsmh

We need to defeat a hermit named Shura on redwake, and once he leaves the water clears up

I have skill issue

gotta love how we got a lot of similar bosses between AA and AO that are still very different

we get to beat up:

  • a hobo with magic (Marua and Shura)
  • A person with a rarely seen thing (King ramses II and Iris)
  • A person in the fucking sky (Verdies and The Ravenna noble whose name i forgor)
  • Woman which has people who want her to step on them (Sage and Lady Carina)
  • RIPPED AF SIDE BOSS though its a bit of a stretch (kraken and Cernyx)

unsure who to compare with Argos

loomid is a new one :skull: you heard of chain world yet (doodle world)

v1.4.94 card

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